part one

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"hey fat ass" kyle said as cartman walked over to the bus stop.

cartman didn't reply, he just stared at the ground and held a book in his hands.

kyle shot a confused look to Stan.

"y-you OK dude?" kyle asked his 'friend'.

"I'm fine." cartman spit out.

"your not riping on kyle, how can you be fine?" Stan asked.

"I SAID IM FINE GOD DAMNIT!" kyle let out a small gasp, and jumped a little, as did Stan and there blonde headed friend Kenny.

the bus pulled up and they all got on. cartman sat by himself in the very back.

"fuck..." he mumbled under his breath and shifted his body in weird motions.

"guys, something is really wrong with cartman, we need to find him help." kyle told Kenny and Stan. "how? I know! at lunch we can ask chef, he'll know what to do." Stan told them. "mmfhhmmfhh!" Kenny said in agreement. The bus pulled up to the south park high school.

"come on, let's get the four periods over so we can go to lunch!" kyle yelled and they all ran inside. they went to there lockers and grabbed there books quickly. "uh....guys, look..." Stan said and pointed at cartman, who was slamming his head in his locker with great force.

"dude, what the fuck?" the red haired teen asked as he walked to cartman. kenny and Stan followed. cartman just glanced at kyle and rested his head on his locker door, that he slammed with anger.

"it's none of your.... just don't worry about it.. please khal." he said, holding back tears.

Kyle stared in amazement, never seeing his known enemy to have such a sweet and caring voice.

"w-well..cartman, we are your friends. could you just tell us what's wrong?"

"you guys aren't my friends.. you all hate me. and why do you even ca-- just... ugghg..." and with that cartman walked away.

"this is gonna be a long ass day." Stan said pinching the bridge of his nose.

~first period~

" take your seats. today we will be learning about why the 1960s was a stupid generation." Mr.Garrison said.

kyle sat by Kenny, who was flipping through a play boy.

"I wonder if cartman got visited by visitors again..." Kenny said with his hood off. he flipped another page, staring at a half nude woman.

"why do you say that?" kyle asked with a worried look.

"he was like, all swemish and stuff on the bus. I don't know or it might be that he--" Kenny said but was cut off.

"is there something you want to share with the class kenneth?" Mr.garrison asked and crossed his arms.

"no." Kenny simply replied.

"then keep you damn mouth shut." Kenny rolled his eyes as his kept looking at his Playboy. kyle leaned over to Kenny.

"why are you into this shit?" kyle asked, and pointed at yet again another nude woman.

"well, first of all I'm 16. and I'm not gay. so this shit turns me the fuck on. honestly dude, how come you aren't looking at this? your a teenager." Kenny asked with a wide smile, even though he already knew the answer.

"i-i just... know when to look at these type of things and when not to. school is a place for learning." kyle told him, realizing the look he was reciveing.

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