party and confessions

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I knocked on Stans door, and he greeted me. "Come in dude, kyle has been asking for you!"
He has?
"OK.." I said walking in and seeing kyle. He jumped in my arms, which startled me a bit.
"Hey khal!" I said happily and hugged him.
"Cartman look! I'm getting better!" He said putting his arms out.
He was wearing a plain white T-shirt and his orange jacket was laying in Kenny's lap, who was sitting on the couch.
He looked at me head to toe and ubsurved my outfit. "A little flashy for a party? Don't you think?"
"Huh? No Jew. In fact I think its perfect. I didn't know I had to look good to be at this party."
"I-i never said you didn't look good..."
My face went red and so did his. Stan stood between us quickly, breaking the awkwardness.
"We all look good! Ha! And were all about to feel good to! Kenny, grab the beers!"
Kenny jumped up and ran to the kitchen, practically jumping on his own two feet.
"Oh.. No not today guys" I said facepalming.
"No.. It will be fun.."
Just then the door bell rung and Stan answered it.
"Hey! Token, Clyde! Come on in."
They smiled as they walked in.
Kenny tossed them a beer and they popped the cap.
"Hey cartman. You OK dude? You seem... Un like yourself.." Stan asked me and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm fine..."
Soon the party got more wilder and crazier. And I just couldn't stand all the noise.
I walked outside and sat on the steps.
I sat there thinking about kyle.
"Hey" I heard the familiar voice say and he sat beside me.
"Oh hey khal.."
"South park is really beautiful at night."
"Yea.. Yea it is.."
"The stars are so bright, and the lights from houses.." He stopped and stared at me.
I stared at him and sighed. "Khal.."
"I.. Iv like you for a really long time and when I'm not around you I feel un happy. And I love your beautiful green eyes, and your stupid ginger hair and I'm sorry for making you feel like shit. I apologize for every horrible thing iv ever done."
Kyle just stared at me, and out of no where he kissed me. I kissed back and held his waist.
"That's all I wanted to hear from you all along"

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