this shit again...

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I went to my kitchen, grabbed my bag of cheesy poofs, and headed to my room.
I need kyle right now... I want to hug him, and apologize for everything... Because I am sorry.. I'm sorry for calling you a new, ginger, from jersey... I'm sorry for always making your life a complete hell, just to grab your attention.
I'm sorry for everything, and I don't know how to say it.
"You just did!!! Say that!!!" Cupid me said smiling and waving his bow in the air.
"Shut the fuck up cupid me..." I said ignoring the thought in my head.
I stood up, throwing my cheesy poofs on the floor and walked over to my mirror.
OK.. Practice..
"Khal.. No don't call him that, it pisses him off.. OK.." I whispered to myself and I felt nervous, even thought kyle was still in the hospital.. I now I have to find out how to do this..
"I.. I'm sorry? I like.. I love your hair.." I facepalmed with my face glowing red.
I give up, mabie I shouldnt tell him..
"ERIC!" I heard a scream from outside.
I sighed, opening my window.
"Come quick! Kyles out of the hospital and we need to celebrate!" Oh.. It just Stan..
"Alright, I'll be there soon.."
I shut my window and went to my closet.
Huh.. I wonder if I should dress nice..
I thought for a moment, then the random thought of kyle in a dress popped in my mind.
"Hhahahha" I laughed to my self, practically drooling on my red jacket.
I brushed the thought away, and grabbed my suit and tie. Ey.. Why not?
I slipped it on and headed for kyles house.
This is a perfect time to tell him.

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