part three~ revenge

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Cartmans POV
That's ass holes gonna get it.

I banged on his door and heard a loud "coming" from inside.

As soon as the popular kid opened the door, I punched him right in the face.

It hurt my knuckles, I punched him so hard.

He tried to swing back but I grabbed his arm and slung him down.

I kicked in the chest a couple of times, then picked his head up by his hair.

"You do not touch khal ever agian. Or I'll fucking kill you!" I yelled with the feel of the cold night time, making me shiver.

He started crying, making me laugh.

"Pussy" I simply said and through his body down and ran off.

I crossed my arms as I walked back to my house. I can't see kyle like that. I just can't.

I know me and kyle used to fight in third and forth grade.... OK OK ... Ever since pre school.. But I like to have his attention. And for him to try and help me like that, was so sweet. He knew he would get his ass kicked.. But did that stop him? No.


I sat on my couch, thinking.
Oh god..I'm in love.

(Sorry for a really sort part. Its just a small part I wanted to add before I started the other part. Srrrrry. :3 stay cheesy! XD ????)

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