Our final words? (last chapter)

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I sprung up out of bed happily, and ran to my closet getting dressed. I ran to my bathroom and brushed my hair smiling as I did. Iv never been so happy, and I had a good feeling me and kyle would last. As I finished brushing my hair and sprinted down stairs to eat breakfast. I saw my mom making waffles, and I sat at the dinner table waiting for them to get done. The smell was sweet and fresh, probably the best smell that's been in this house other the the horrible stench of weed and sex. I shook the thoughts away as my mom layed a plate down in front of me.
"So Eric, how are you?" She said unexpectedly. My mom hardly talks to me so I thought I must be in some sort of trouble. "Uh, good... What about you mom?" I said sarcastically.
She laughed a bit. "I'm doing fine, but I ment how are you with kyle?"
My whole body tenced up and I felt my tempature raise. "What do you mean?" I asked. She ate a piece of her waffle and looked at me. "Your little friend, the one that you had to go to court with?"
I sighed in relief. "Yeah him... Everything's fine, we're going to casa Bonita later on today, and I wanted to go hang out with him before we went"
My mom nodded her head as if she already knew, but that can't be possible unless she's spoke to kyles mom, but why would she do that?
"Um Eric? I don't know how to tell you this but.. " she stopped and looked down sadly. "What?" I asked in confusion.
"N-never mind, have fun with your friend sweety" she told me and stood up, planting a small kiss on my forehead and put the dishes in the sink. I stood up from the table and headed out the door. I smiled as I walked down the street to kyles house. On my way there I ran into Stan. "Oh hey dude..." He said sadly and wiped his eyes away. "Dude what's wrong?" I asked. Why is everyone acting so weird? Stan looked at me and covered his mouth. "You dont know, do you?" Stan said crying a bit more. I looked confused as I jumped in surprise as Stan hugged me. "Man I'm sorry but I don't have the guts to tell you, mabie he should tell you for himself..." Stan said and let go of me, walking away to his house. I could clearly see randy outside on a lawn chair drinking beer.
What the hell was he talking about?
I shrugged it off and started my way to kyles house again ignoring any distractions. I saw him out side of his house sitting on the steps crying, no sobbing. A flash of pain went threw my body as I ran to him and held him in my arms. "What's wrong??" I asked holding him and rocking him back and forth slowly. He didn't say anything he just pointed at something by his house. A moving truck. My eyes lit up as hot tears streamed down my face at the sight. "No.. This is a joke its not real. you CANT be leaving me!" I said and gripped onto his shoulders. He gapped lightly and looked up at me. "Its not my choice cartman I have to go." He handed me something from his side. It was a small homemade plushie of him. It was adorable.
I sighed as I cryed a bit more holding him before his mom came out side.
"Eric you have to leave now, we need to pack up" she said. Kyle stood up and hugged me one last time before walking into his house leaveing me on the steps staring at the door.

~a month later~
"Khal, dude is it working?" I asked and tapped on the screen. The screen went to black before I saw my boy friends beautiful face. "Hey!" He said waving and smiling. He adjusted the camera lends, then looked at me again. "How are you?" He asked. "I'm good now that I can see you, thank god for Skype" I said laughing a bit and grabbing something from my bed. "Look what I still have" I said and put the plusie of kyle in front of the screen. Kyle giggled as he touched the screen playfully. I squeezed the plushie to my face giving it a small kiss. Kyle blushed from the other side of the screen, and cutely moved his hands between his legs and smiled.
"Cartman iv missed you" he said and made a sad puppy face that made my heart melt. "Iv missed you to..." I said and smiled a bit.
I blushed at the sight of kyle putting his hands in his pants and his face tuned a dark red. "S-sorry you turn me on" he said and smirked a bit. I hoped my mom didn't walk in. Thank god my door is locked. I helped kyle by taking my jacket off and winking at him. He moved his hand up and down at a fast rate and moaned loudly. I could feel myself getting hard at his moans, and I put my hand down my pants as well. Kyle stopped pumping himself and stood up taking his jacket off and threw it in Hus bed. He took his shirt off smiling at the camera as he did. As he stripped, I kept pumping my dick, getting close to coming. "K-kyle.. Ah~" I moaned softly and saw him smirk. "Come on cartman, come for me" he said and took his boxers off. I moaned loudly as I cane all over my hand and some landed on my pants. I panted and kyle sat down smiling at me.
"That was fun now wasn't it?" He said laughing a bit. I nodded and smirked at him, realizing he was still naked. Kyle flinched as he heard a loud knock on his door. He gasped slightly and jumped up getting dressed. "Wait, dont leave" he said and opened the door. "Kyle come down stairs we need to talk to you" his mom said and kyle followed her down stairs.
I waited for about 5 minutes before he returned with the biggest smile on his face. "Great news!!" He said and sat in his chair. "What?" I asked get excited. "I get to come see you and the guys next week!" He said and laughed. "Really!? That's wonderful! Hell yeah!!" I yelled and laughed back.
When me and kyle finished talking, I logged out and headed to Stans house. I figured Kenny was at Stans because they had been hanging out ever since kyle left. I knocked on Stans door and smiled. "Hey kyles coming to see us next week!" Stan smiled happily and invited me in. "Me and Kenny were just watching a movie, wanna watch it with us?" Stan said and sat down. Kenny waved at me and I sat by him. "Hey ken" I said and watched the movie until we all passed out.

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