part two~beaten

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"Hey, those are the kids that have cartmans book." Kenny said pointing at some of the popular kids, who were laughing.

"Hey!" Kyle screamed running up to them.

"What ugly? Were busy!" The head popular boy said and layed the familiar book on the table.

"Give us our friends book back." Kyle said and reached for the book.

The popular teen grabbed on to kyles fragile wrist and threw his body down harshly on to the lunch room floor.

"Stupid bitch!" He yelled and kicked kyle.

Stan went to him and Kenny trailed behind.

The rest of the popular kids held them off.

"Kyle!" Stan screamed for his best friend.

"Give me that damn book!!!" Kyle screamed and stood up.

The leader of the popular kids shook is head and slapped kyle with all his force.

Kyle threw his fist, trying to defend himself but failing miserably.

He stood over kyle and grabbed on to his hat throwing it in the trash.

"Haaaa! Everyone! Look at this freaks red curly hair! Can you get any uglier?"

Kyle closed his eyes in shame.

Everyone laughed.
Where are the teachers? Kyle thought.

He felt a hard kick to his face, making blood trail from his nose.

"Why don't you and your faggy boyfriend go kill yourselfs?!!?"
What!?! How?

Kyle slapped the boys face with strong power.

"You did not just do that!"

"Actually, I did"

Kyle reached for the book and grabbed it.

He held it to his chest and tryed to run.

The other boy grabbed his jacket, pulling him back and punched him, giving kyle a black eye, but he held on to the book.

"F-fuck you.." Kyle said and spit on him.

"Aw! You gay ugly freak!" He yelled and ran off.

"Fuck it guys, come on.."

The group walked off.

Stan and Kenny ran to kyle who fainted on to the ground, still holding the book in his arms.


"K-khal?" Cartman asked and rubbed kyles head.

"W..huh?" Kyle said slowly opening his eyes.

"OH MY GOD! Cartman I got your book!"kyle sat up and hugged Cartman tight.

"calm down.. Stan told me everything."


Cartmans face was red and he looked pissed beyond belief.(picture shows just how red and pissed his was :3)

"What's wrong?"

"I'll be back.." Cartman said and ran out the door, which he yanked open and slammed shut behind him.

Kenny chased after him.

"What are you gonna do dude? Don't do anything stupid."

Cartman faced him and pushed him and continued running.

Stan walked over to Kenny.

"Oh no dude.. Looks like two teens are gonna be on the hospital tonight..." He said and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Ohhhhh shit."

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