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After longs days of waiting it was finally court day. I sat waiting for the doors to open when I saw kyle walking towards me in a cute suit. His mom probably made him wear it.. Ha.. He sat beside me and looked at me. I guess he noticed that I was a bit nervous because he had a worried expression. "Don't worry, I'll stick up for you" he said and layed his hand on mine. I smiled at him, and the doors opened.
We sat down in different seats and the judge started talking.
I wasn't really listening, I was to busy examineing kyle. He looked so good in that suit. "So Eric? What do you have to say for yourself" I heard the judge say with a deep voice. I snapped back to reality. " some idiot hurt my boy fr--" I stopped myself relizeing that kyles mom was in the room."my friend, was beaten by one of the popular kids at skewl.... I had to get revenge " I simply stated. I looked at kyle and saw him facepalm lightly.
"May I?" He asked. The judge nodded as kyle stood up and started explaining.
"The kids name is Clyde Donovan. He purposely beat me in the lunch room of our school, south park high. I'd like to add that the teachers did absolutely nothing about it. I was sent to the hospital.." Kyle pulled out a few sheets of paper. "Here" he said and handed the judge the papers. "There my hospital bills sir. And I only hit back in felf defense. My friend Eric here, was only trying to get revenge."
The judge looked up from the papers. "Violence is never the awnser and you kids need to learn that."
"Violence IS never the awnser your right.. But it seems like Craig is the one who needs to learn that more then we do. Eric didn't think about what he was doing, he only thought to protect me"
He glanced over at me and smiled. "He can't help his angry behavior"
I laughed awkwardly and quiet.
"So be it... We will talk with your mother now" the judge stated and kyles mom stood up.
"Now mam. I would like to know, did you know your son was being beaten?"
"Well no sir... I figured the school would of told me!"
They blabbered on and I stared at kyle. "Hey Jew" I said and poked his cheek.
"Sh CARTMAN this is serious..." He said slapping my hand away. I poked his stomach and he got even more angry.
"Cartman I swear to god.. You need to listen"
I laughed a little and moved my hand to his thigh. He jumped at the touch and moved his legs apart. "KYLE!?" I heard Shelia scream and I moved my hand faster than a lightning bolt. He was terrified, I could see it in his face. "Kyle! We are leaving.. Its over now" She said and walked over to us.
The judge banged his gavel and we left.
I sighed and got in the back of Sheila's car with kyle. I was relifed that it was all over.. I could tell he was to. "Cartman.." Kyle said and looked at me. I saw Shelia move her mirror to watch the both of us and I rolled my eyes slightly. "Yeah khal?"
"Wanna go to casa Bonita with me tomorrow?" He asked.
I suddenly got excited and tackled kyle with a hug. "Casa Bonita!" I yelled happily.
Kyle flinched at first but then hugged back laughing. "What ever fat ass.." He whispered.

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