The book

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We pulled up at my house and I slowly walked to my door. We stood there looking at each other before I creaked it open and walked in, with kyle following.
"Cartman is your mom home?" He asked and took off his jacket and carefully layed it on the rack. "And do you have anything to drink?"
I grabbed his hand, pulling him into the kitchen. I poured a glass of orange juice and handed it to him.
"My mom isn't coming back for a while.. She went off to stay with some guy and she left a note saying I'll be fine and shell be back in a couple of weeks but I don't think she's gonna be back... I wouldn't be surprised if she left me.."
Kyle looked at me with concern. "She..she wouldn't just leave you cartman.. I mean don't be absurd."
I rolled my eyes and watched kyle drink from his glass.
Its was quiet until I asked him a question and his head popped up looking me straight in the eyes.
"You wanna go read my book now?" I asked feeling nervous..
Am I really ready to let him see all of my darkest secrets??
He nodded his head and headed up stairs to my bedroom. I followed behind, staring at his glorious ass. How the fuck does he get his ass so fine?
He opened my door and stepped inside. I grabbed my book off my night self and told kyle to have a seat on my bed. He sat down quite stiff and I sat beside him. I handed him the book with shaky hands, and he must of noticed.
"I don't have to read it if you don't want me to" he said and I stared into his emerald green eyes.
I pushed the book closer to him, and nodded my head.
He breathed slowly and opened to the first page.
Dear book,
I have had it with this fucking Jew!! He wore the tight ass jeans and for some reason my Weiner got hard.. We talked about something like this in class once.. Something about a bathing suit. I don't remember... All I know is that I'm sick and tired of kyles games! I will destroy all jews.. Starting with him.

Kyle laughed a little then flipped the page.
I guess he was getting interested..

Dear book,
Ok.. So today I hugged kyle. No big deal.. I found out I actually had torettes and I couldn't stop spewing the truth. I accidentally said that I loved kyle, but thank God he only thought I ment it as a thank you.. I got help and now I'm cured. I'm lucky, it would of been really bad if i would've done it in front of people.. But some how kyle got everyone out.
Thanks kyle.

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