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I slapped Mr.kitty, who was rubbing against my leg.

"No! That's a bad kitty!" I yelled and he hissed at me.

I stood up and walked to my door, to my surprise as soon as I opened it, I saw Craig.
Craig? Da fuck.

I cocked my head confused.

"Uh. Hey dude." I said and he pushed me aside.

"Move" He said rudely and sat on my couch. I stood there staring at him, before shutting my door.

"Are you gonna sit down or what?" He asked frowning.

"Uh.." I bearly said and sat beside him.

He looked into my eyes and smiled.

"Hey Cartman.. You know.. That book?" He asked smiling.

"Yea? What about it?" I said scooting back.

"I read it." He said and let out an insane laugh.

My heart speed up. " you did?" I asked, shocked.

"Yep.. I know everything."  He said and moved closer to me.

"You better not tell anyone, or I'll beat you sencesless!!!"

"Tell anyone? Naaaa... But I thought since I know all your secrets, mabie if I told you mine, you would keep that fat mouth of yours shut. "

"Fine, I don't give a shit"

"Im gay, my parents can be abusive.. Oh yea and you know how I said I'm gay? I'm gay for you..  And---" Craig started but was cut off.

"WHAT?" Cartman said with huge eyes.

"I'm joking dumb ass. I like tweek. Duh." He said and flipped me off.  "PFF yea right.. Like I would ever like your fat ass."

Cartman rolled his eyes.

(Lol Craig you so lolz I'm OK.. Anyway. I bet I scared you. °^°)

"But any way.. Why are you not in the hospital with your boyfriend?"


"Yea. Kyles your boyfriend.. Right?"

"Uh.. Yea.. Oh kyle? Yea.. Yeaaa.." Cartman said smiling.

"I knew it. Oh and cartman?" Craig said standing up.


"I have a thing for blondes."

Cartman was confused at first, but started to freak out. "Ke----" he started but was cut off.

The door opened and Stan walked in.

"Hey guys, y'all coming to the hospital.. Kyle is like begging for Cartman.."

Cartmans face went pink.

"Uh.. OK.."

Kenny walked in behind Stan.

Craig flinched and ran out. "Bye guys!" He said blushing.

Cartman walked outside. "I guess I better go to the hospital, before I go to jail."

"JAIL? Cartman what did you do?" Stan said.

"He beat the fucking shit out of that kid, for his boy friend" Kenny awnsered.

"Yep. Boyfriend. Or at least he will be once we have our date.ha.."

"Date?" Stan asked about to barf.

"Yea.. Now let's get going."
That dumb ass Craig.. What is his deal?

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