moms these days

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Thank god as soon as we arrived at jail, kyles parents were on there way. Well, kyle was freaking out a bit, but me on the other hand was glad I didn't have to stay for to long.
We waited for Sheila and when she arrived, she was PISSED. He yelled at kyle the whole ride home, but she was to much into her yelling that she didn't even notice kyle cuddled up asleep next to me. So I had to deal with her loud screams un till we finally got to my house.
"I guess asking if I can spend the night is off limits" I said joking. "Well of course not Eric!" She yelled back. She got out of the car and headed to my front door. Kyle was still asleep, but I didn't want to wake him. I leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips and shut the door softly, trying not to wake him.
I walked over to my mom as Shelia left. "Now Eric, how come your getting into so much trouble lately?! Get in side right now mister" she said. I need to hear more moms yell tonight.
I stumbled off to my room, and layed down uncomfortablely. I was about to dose off when my mom yelled at me from down stairs. "DONT FORGET YOU HAVE COURT ON WEDNESDAY!" She yelled and I groaned. "Fine!" I screamed back and finally fell asleep.
~next day~
I got up relizeing it was a Monday. I threw my clothes on and walked out side to the bus stop weakly. "At least I'll get to see khal" I thought. As I walked I noticed Kenny had already made it.
"Hey kinny..." I said and yawned.
I saw kyle walking over and I smiled.
"So khal ~ we had fun at jail.." I said smiling.
Kenny was shocked. "Jail!? Ohhhh you got caught.. Wait why was kyle there?"
"He yelled at a cop" I said and smirked.
Kyle rolled his eyes.
Stan walked over smiling. "Hey guys!"
"Why are you so happy?" I asked.
"Me and wend--
" boo! Boo Wendy boo!"
Stan looked at me irritated as Kenny laughed and pulled his hood up.
The bus finally arrived and me and kyle sat behind butters,like usual.
"Well, hey Eric!" He said turning around smiling.
Kyle looked out the window as I gripped on to his hand and got closer to him.
"Are you gonna go to court with me?~"
"I have to fat ass, its not a choice"
"Oh.. It wolnt be so bad.."
"It better not be.. Your I'm sueing you"
I laughed at kyles words and stared out the window. "Your funny khal"

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