stalkers X)

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"Look at me cartman" Stan said as we walked down the street.

I looked up at him, a few tears going down my flushed red face. "What?"

"I know its hard dude... I mean.. Me and kyle have been best friends for forever.. And no one really acts as if they care about you but.. There's something I have to cough up.. And if I don't I think I might barf.." Stan said and looked at the road, that we walked on. Kenny followed behind us, kicking rocks and smelling a flower every now and then.

I was confused at Stan.

"Uh.. OK." I said not knowing what else to say.

"Kyle used to come to my house, and run his mouth about you 24/7. I eventually got tired of it and told him I wanted and needed to hang out with Wendy more. He said he understood. But Iv changed since the forth grade... Hell we all have. You arnt as much of a ass hole as you used to be.. So thanks." Stan told me, and nudged my arm smiling a bit.

"Uh.. No problem?" I said and continued walking.

Kenny caught up with us, holding a ton of flowers in his hands.

"Guys, stiff these flowers." He said laughing like an idiot.

"No kinny!" I yelled slapping the flowers away. "But Stan, I think I like khal. And I need to know, right now. If you have any feelings for khal. At all."

His face went red and he frowned. "I love Wendy.. I always have, always will."

"Good.. I don't feel like kicking another ass tonight.. I'm fucking worn out." I said relifed.

"I gotta get home.." Stan said and grabbed kenny's hand, pulling him away. "My dad must be worried sick.."

I sighed and waved goodbye as they walked away.

I headed for my house. I was about to walk in, when I heard bushes rumble and a few giggles.
DA fuck? I thought and hurried inside, shutting my door behind me and locking it.

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