The date

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"Well, there it is... When we going on that date? Do I can confess even more, and let you read my book" I asked kyle as he sat there giggling.
"This weekend?"
"Khal.. It is this weekend"
"I know.. So tomorrow?"
"Yea tomorrow"

~next day~
(Bold cartman. And italics kyle)
Hey Jew boy are you ready?
Not quite
Hurry the fuck up
Be patient
I'll be there in ten minutes

I grabbed my best dress clothes and brushed my hair as good has I could.
I took a look in the mirror and smiled.
"Looking fly~" I told myself and sprinted out the door, with my car keys in my hand.
I drive off to kyles house, and I couldn't wait to see him.
Even though I just saw him last night...
I pulled up in his drive way and flicked my lights on and off. I saw him look out the window and
"DICK!" I screamed and he smiled.
I saw him walk away from the window and his front door opened.
He shut the door behind him, carefully, so he wouldn't wake his bitch of a mother.
He got in my car and smiled at me.
"Hey fat ass, where we goin?"
"Hey Jew, shut the fuck up and you'll see"
He laughed a bit, leaving me confused.
When did he find this funny?? Why isn't he getting pissed?
"Khal. Your a fuck ginger Jew, that is from jersey."
"Huh? Oh.. Yea" he smirked a bit before looking out the window.
He wasn't wearing his hat, for once.
I decided to be quiet and I turned on the radio.
The song that played was maniac.
Kyle burst out laughing and pointed at the radio.
I almost slammed on my breaks.
He calmed down a bit and panted.
"When we were like 8, this song was my ringtone for you"
How ironic.
I couldn't help but laugh, remembering what a evil little boy I was.
We pulled up at Denny's and I quickly got out, and opened the door for kyle.
He looked like he was blushing, but its probably just my head.
We walked in and memories came flooding back.
It was romantic in a way.
All the booths were full, but I didn't mind. I don't kyle did either.
I pulled his chair back for him and let him sit down.
"There." I simply stated and called for a waiter.
I told them our order and she left me and kyle alone.
"So kyle... When did you find out that you liked me?"
"Uh.." He thought about the question for a moment before looking at me. "A couple of weeks after you sung to me on the Megatron"
I smiled.
"I swea--"
"No! Cartman stop!"
"Your gonna make me cry!"
He slumped in his chair and looked at me with puppy eyes.
I was about to talk when the waiter came back and handed us our food.
I thanked her, then started eating
Kyle looked at the food and started eating to.
When we were done, we walked outside in the cold.
"Its cold as fuck!" Kyle yelled.
I rolled my eyes and put my jacket over him.
We walked back to my car and I turned the engine on.

"Where we going now?"
"To my place duh"
And the things I have planned...

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