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"i fucked up."

victoria walked over to the girl, placing her hands on each of sequoia's cheeks, "no you didn't, you had every right to tell them."

"well yes, but...what if i get them killed somehow?" the witch looked down but was immediately brought back up to meet the vampire's gaze.

"they won't get killed, how many life-threatening situations have they been in? countless, and luck has always been on their side."


"no, they're the main protagonists of this shit, things will always fall their way."

sequoia sighed, only to hope the woman was right. she didn't want to be the cause of deaths, no matter how bad the people may be.

"now, i'm going to go eat before i devour you," victoria smirked, playfully looking the blonde up and down.

"you can't smell me though?"

"no, but you sure look amazing," the redhead winked at the girl, before rushing out the door.



sequoia decided to relieve some of her stress by taking a walk. the fresh air almost immediately calmed her down, clearing her head of any negative thoughts.

the pavement against her boots was the only prominent sound at this time. the sun was nearly down, and the witch promised herself she'd be home the second it went below the horizon. the last of the golden sun rays reflected off of some metal objects she passed, adding a tiny bit of extra light in shaded areas.

sequoia reached a more populated spot, many couples and families sitting down at cafés before heading home for the night. a strong smell of cigarettes smoke and coffee filled her nose, slightly wincing due to her enhanced sense.

the witch reached the outskirts of the small shopping area, less light emitted the growing darkness of the streets. there wasn't anyone else around, visibly at least, but that didn't stop an unsettling feeling growing in sequoia's chest.

she picked up her pace, but maybe teleportation would've been a better option. although, if someone was watching, she couldn't risk something like that.

is it just me, or are there another set of footsteps nearby?

she'd be able to smell another figure if they were around, but her increased senses are nothing like those of vampires or werewolves. witches relied on their magic, otherwise, fights would become even more one-sided.

sequoia froze in her spot, there were footsteps, and they were approaching from behind her. she couldn't run, she didn't know the area, she was just going to teleport home, something like this had never been a problem.

i need to start dressing like a jock during my walks.

"babe, where are you going?" it called out to her, the footsteps turning more into a run.

the witch turned around, ready to kick the thing in the crotch. it was human of course, but why recognise it as a person?

"you look so sexy in that," moaned the man, looking at sequoia's body.

yeah, i already know that.

"why such a big ego mama? doesn't look too cute on you you know."

did i say that out loud? you fucking idiot.

a feminine figure jumped...from between the two bickering. she tilted her head to the side, narrowing her eyes at him.

"two? even better."

victoria didn't say a word, she grabbed him by the throat, holding him there until he was short of breath. "turn around dear."

sequoia did as she was told, a small blush appearing on her cheeks from the redhead's actions. she heard the splitting of skin from the impact of the bite. at least he was unconscious, and there was no screaming involved.

the witch felt two arms wrap around her waist, and a chin lean on her shoulder. "is that a blush i see?"

this only made the pink tinge turn darker.

"i know how hot i looked love, but i have an idea that's even hotter," she grabbed the witch's warmer hand, dragging her back towards the shopping area.

"uh, what?"

"i'm going to get you something."

the blonde looked to victoria in confusion, "it's late, the shops would be closing, or closed."

"not all of them."


just as expected, the vampire had dragged sequoia to a lingerie shop, although half expecting a sex shop. she was now sat in the dressing room, fully clothed, for the time being, waiting for victoria to pick some selections out.

on cue, the redhead whipped open the curtain, closing it with the same expression.

"i can't believe i'm doing this," the blonde shook her head. she wasn't necessarily a self-conscious person, but with someone as beautiful as victoria in front of her, it was hard not to be.

"well you are, you haven't bought anything new since you've been here."

"i nearly got assaulted, and you bring me here to try on lingerie," sequoia crossed her arms. if she was human, maybe the situation would be different. she wasn't scared when the man approached her as the witch could easily take them out, but it's still an interesting way to detour her thoughts.

"you and i both know that you're fine, i can tell when you aren't feeling the best. now, i've got this red one," victoria threw a simple lace set towards her, to which she only just caught, "this purple one," right, a monochrome look with my eyes i see, "and this black one." each set looked extremely luxurious, they complemented the blonde's skin tone perfectly, but they looked extremely expensive.

"and how will we buy these?"

"i've got plenty of money from my years," the vampire stated, not making it obvious if she earned it, or stole it. "now go, try them on."

"well, out you get," sequoia shooed her out of the small space before even thinking about undressing herself.

why am i doing this? and how the fuck did she know my size?

as she slipped the first set on, it was extremely comfortable, both material and size-wise. she looked at herself in the mirror, posing a bit to find the right angle.

"oh my god, you look stunning," gushed the vampire from behind her. the blonde let out a small shriek from the unexpected presence.

"could you warn me if you're going to come in?"

"you stopped moving around, and we're getting this one," she threw the black one at her, "next."


sequoia clasped the bra on the final purple set, moving the material around to make it hug her body better. she tightened the straps just slightly, allowing more cleavage to peak through.

"oh we're absolutely getting this too," victoria gasped, a wide smile across her face.

the witch turned around to meet her burgundy eyes, but once she did, the girl found herself blocking everything out except the vampire. she felt as if she was floating, the air around her became cooler, even in the small space.

"it looks even better with your natural eyes!" she could only hear her voice faintly, "sequoia? stop daydreaming, i know i'm hot, but look at yourself."

the blonde shot her gaze towards the ground, embarrassed at her actions. she felt heat rise to her cheeks, even more, when she remembered what attire she was in.

"did you just?"

"yes, i just discovered our bond, in the middle of a lingerie changing room."

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