Chapter 12: Some Fates Are Already Interwined. Tommy's Memories.

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I'm back! Sowwy for the long wait!
ヽ(;▽;)ノ I am finally back with Chapter 12! Let's add some feels and more plot twists!

Vote, comment and give lots of love please~! \(//∇//)\


However, in her dizziness, she failed to notice that she has long left the warmth embrace of the person who should be sleeping soundly beside her. As well as... the frantic rummaging of a boy trying to find some fever medicines.

Just before her consciousness completely drifted away, she felt the coolness of a wet tower against her forehead and instinctively snuggled closer to the person taking care of her.

That person seemed to stiffen up before the girl who has fallen asleep frowned and tossed a little, causing the towel to fall. He quickly recollected himself and adjusted the towel back onto her forehead with a gentleness that even he was not used to.

Because, now...

Akashi Seijuro's left eye, has turned yellow again.

Third POV


A knock on the open door caused the male who had been putting all his focus onto the sprawled cluster of books in front of him to look up.

"Did you not sleep the entire night?" The older male in his lab coat squinted his eyes at the mess in the room.

"I'm not an old man." Tommy winked in that mischievous way of his. "What's a few all-nighters to youngsters like me?"

"Haha, Kwon did warn me about that sharp tongue of yours." The doctor who specializes in Hypnotherapy, the one Kwon had specially recommended walked in.

"Oh, no one is more familiar with it than him~." He grinned shamelessly.

"... this must be why he's having such a hard time..."

"Haha, that guy is just too uptight!"

The doctor shook his head before gesturing to the door. "Shall we begin the first session?"

"Perhaps it's because we're speaking in Japanese," Tommy mentioned suddenly, "I feel like... I might remember something today."

"That's great. Usually patients who say that before a session generally end up slamming my doors."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because they get too excited and rush off looking for the lead to their memories that they've managed to catch on."

"I hope... that will be me today."

"Alright, then let's see, shall we?" The doctor let Tommy make himself comfortable on the chair before starting. "14th of January. This is the 1st session with Tommy Zacchaeus Kein. You were diagnosed with Dissociate Amnesia at the age of 12 and for recording purposes, I shall give a short explanation. Dissociate Amnesia is where a patient has decided to block a selective memory or memories due to a traumatic incident. It is an automatic defense mechanism of humans but if you have decided to overcome this incident, we shall look through your hidden memories once more. Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, please continue."

"Well then, let's begin."


"Mama! Papa is being unfair again!" The barely 6 years old boy tugged onto his mother's skirt with a frown.

"Oh dear, what did your papa do again?" The lady who had been taking a stroll and chatting with her maids leisurely paused as she flopped down onto the grass and pulled the young boy into a tight embrace.

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