Chapter 19: The Calm Before The Storm.

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The second part continues!

*AND! As promised, a short summary of each chapter will be given at the very end of this chapter. Seeing how even I am having troubles remembering the details, you guys must be having an even harder time TT^TT. Hope it manages to refresh your memory!!

Ps: and again, the pictures and KnB characters do not belong to me!


Her mask slipped off slightly, revealing the one reason she had kept it on for so long in the first place. She quickly raised a hand and hid her face, pulling the mask into place before her eyes travelled to the group of people above.

But... they've seen it.

Those who should not, those who had had their eyes solely fixed on her since the very start had seen it all within that split second.

The red and blue veins ran from her neck under the cover of her jersey, creeping up her face until they settled themselves firmly there.

Like a spiderweb on a pale white wall.

Third POV

The GoM rose up abruptly from their seats, not one of them able to choke down that unknown feeling stuck in their throats. Their stares so intense that she could not even raise her head to meet them any longer.

However, she had forgotten. They weren't the only one who were keeping track of her conditions. Kise and Kuroko rushed forward, closely followed by Seirin.


"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"
"What about the medicines? Are they not working anymore?"
"Let's go to the hospital straightaway!"
"Stop this game, let's go now!"
"We need to-...!"

"Guys, guys!" She finally manage to calm them and hold their attentions.

Seemed like she could no longer hide this. The time that she had told Aomine about when he had inquire about her mask had come.

'The day I take off this mask, is the day I can no longer hide my illness from you all.'

"This... is a normal occurrence, alright? It's been like this for a while. It only looks terrible. The medicine is working perfectly and I feel like I can go on for a lot more."

"What do you mean this is normal?! You shouldn't be playing like this!" Her indifference angered some of them.

She could only think of one way to placate them. "My number...! Riko-senpai, you can see my number, right?"

"Although unconvincing, your number is indeed dropping at a much slower pace after your meds..." their coach, Riko, frowned.

"How can you be so sure?" Kise was ready to put everything down to stop her. "I'm going to end this. Forget the game, we need to get you to the hospital first!"

"Kise Ryouta!" She knew they would overreact once they saw concrete proof of her deteriorating state. All this time, she had managed to coax them into thinking it wasn't as serious as they thought since what you do not see with your own eyes, you do not know the real extent of.

However, now that they had seen it for themselves, she could only take a step back and make a compromise. "I will rest for now. I only need a bit of rest for these veins to disappear. But let me join the last half of the last quarter. I haven't enjoyed myself for so long, I don't wish to stop. And when I play, Ryouta, you must keep your promise. Is that a deal?"

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