Chapter 14: A Date With The Emperor. He Will Not Lose Her Again.

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Hello guys!!! I'm out (finally T^T) with chapter 14! I am starting to see the end of this story! It's a lot shorter than my other Ace of Diamond fanfic, isn't it? Although I'm thinking of writing a bonus chapter for Ace of Diamond!

Please Note!
I have started a new novel on another platform called Webnovel. If you're interested in historical romance, do check it out! It's called Courting The God of War and I'll be updating more frequently since I have this amazing plot (the plot is good but hopefully, I'll be able to put it into words!) thought out! There's currently already 25 chapters which are out~

Well then, enjoy reading!


The old man did not answer him directly. Instead, he took a good look at him and said, "I admit that I did not fully understand your role in this at the start. Like you've said, returning to the past with her would only make it harder for her to change you. However, I have slowly come to a realization. You too, are an important part of this puzzle. She came back to save you. So, it seems you've also been sent back... to save her. That's why, you cannot lose your memories. No matter what, you have a more important responsibility. Make sure the light of her necklace never goes out."

"What happens if it does go out?" Even as he asked this question, a part of Seijuro could already guess the answer.

An answer that he had also once seen for himself.

That silence, followed by a forced smile was an obvious enough confirmation to the last of his doubts.


Third POV

Akashi Seijuro had always thought that his life would be uneventful and thus, a smooth-sailing one.

Even if it was eventful, he had thought that he would be able to easily solve and conquer everything that came his way.

He had been very wrong.

While there was not much that could surprise the Emperor, there was just one thing that he could never have predicted.

And that was, meeting her on that day.

While he had been greatly attracted to her the moment he saw her, he had also underestimated their fate.

He had fallen for her, and he had fallen very deeply indeed.

It had taken some time for her to realize and that time had felt like an awful long ordeal of patience for him.

Then, she had finally looked his way as well, and he had taken the opportunity to show off all his attractive points. Anything to make sure her eyes stayed on him.

Be it walking her home after school, bringing her to do things she had never tried before or softening the look in his eyes. He did everything he had never done before.

Their time together was one of his happiest memories. However, it seemed as through the ordeal had not ended.

Again, he lost sight of her and this time, it was not a matter of waiting for months but for 2 years.

The second ordeal of patience.

However, this time, he had failed. And terribly at that.

Because of two letters and a single thrown jersey, his trust in her had wavered and thus a new personality had emerged.

The one that was a little jagged, a little colder and a little more hurtful with his words. The one that did not even know to soften the look in his eyes when he was looking at her.

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