Chapter 20: At Last, It Is Time For Those Memories To Return.

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Welcome back everyone!

I did say this chapter would come soon but I didn't expect to take up much time in the end. TT^TT

It's definitely my fault for not keeping a promise this time so pray forgive me 🙏) If you've forgotten the story, a much needed revision (for me as well) was already written in chapter 19.

So, recently, I watched a real pro match for the first time! Yes, with how much I love sports, you would think I'd have done this countless time but no, it's exactly because I love playing that I can't watch games ><! It makes me too excited and I end up wanting to join. I wonder if anyone has ever felt this way? Or maybe it's just because currently I don't have any chance to play that I get excited?

Anyway, the team I was supporting lost even though it was soooo close and I realised once again (maybe it's because of all the anime that I watched that I had forgotten) just how difficult it is to pull off a miracle.

That's even more reason why everyone who had ever pulled off a miracle should know what a feat it is. You have the right to brag about it!!! That's why, come, use this chance, comment and tell us your miracle. I want to share in that joy as well.

Alright, so, with age, it seems I am also starting to get sentimental... We shall start straightaway~~


Was her memory finally slowly starting to come back?

The fire, her parents, a brother they had apparently been looking for, the name 'William' that had left her mouth and her handmaiden Mary.

And more importantly...

That house.

While she didn't know about the rest of the house, she was absolutely sure about just one thing. Her brother's room, the one with the secret door and it's secret code...

Wasn't that exactly the room she had been staying in all this while with Kumiko and her parents?

However, didn't Kumiko said she was adopted after the fire incident? So when did her original house... became Kumiko's?

Something was amiss.

Then, it seems she would need to take an unavoidable trip back to that mansion.

The inevitable confrontation had finally come.

Third POV

"What a mess..." the GoM muttered as they took in the chaos in front of them. "What the hell are you guys doing in front of someone's house?"

The court outside Keiko's house was a perfect breeding place from mayhem, a 180° change from the once empty, desolated sight.

Although, there was just a small problem. Big as the court was, it was nowhere near enough to be able to house 5 teams.

And the crowding audiences.

"We heard Seirin was training here. So we came to join."

The four other schools, Touou, Kaijo, Yosen and Shutoku, had caught wind of Seirin's secret, exclusive training with the GoM themselves and decided that they could not let Seirin be the only one to receive such preferential treatment.

After all, each of them were housing one of the GoM themselves, so wouldn't it be only fair to share this privilege?

And so, when the GoM returned to Akashi's apartment next door, 5 teams were already lined up nicely outside.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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