Chapter 5: A Battle Between The Empress and The Joker. He Makes The First Move.

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I'm back again!! TT^TT It's been so long (as always, this is how I end up starting the chapter) and thank you all for still behind here with me~! I kept thinking the chapter was a bit boring and ended adding more convo and plots into it so that it'll make you look forward to the next chap.

I tried looking for a video that could bring out an idea of how Akashi used to be and here I have this! As well as a pic of how Nijimura Shuzo looks like. The pic and video do not belong to me.

It's another long chapter as promised again so take your time reading~! (I hope it last you through another month or two of waiting >< gomen ne)

Well then...~


"How long are you going to hide yourself, K?" He yawned as he passed her the black jacket and it's black mask.

"Until it's time, Daiki." She took them over and put them on.

"When is this, 'time'?"

"You'll know."

"Tch." He sighed before pushing her ahead towards the stadium where the match was starting soon. "Kirisaki Daiichi might not be strong enough to win against you even in a million years but when it comes to dirty play, they are second to none."

"Is this you being worried for me, Daiki?" There was a teasing smile on her face.

"Hah? Why would I worry about you when I know you'll never be caught in their traps? I'm just worried that you'll end up getting angry again like last time. You'll end up scaring your own teammates."

"I won't!" She frowned. "Haizaki was a special case."

"Oh believe me, Kirisaki Daiichi High will be another special case." He turned around and waved his hand. "Well, don't say I didn't warn you. And... Good luck, K. Well, it's not like you'll be needing it, hahaha."

"Well then," There was a smile on her face as she walked towards the light leading to the stadium where Seirin was waiting. "Let's go."

Third POV

"N-...No way!!"
"It-... it's really him!!! The Joker!"
"Is he finally back?!"
"It's been so many months since he last showed up we all thought he has disappeared just like that!"
"He took the basketball world by storm after defeating Midorima Shintaro, but that was the only game he played before completely disappearing!"

With the crowds' cheers getting louder and louder, Aomine knew she has gone on court. He sighed, that uneasiness residing itself in his heart again.

If there was one thing all of the GoM feared and would prevent at all costs, it could only be... that incident.

'She won't get caught in their traps, that's what I said but that does not mean she won't get hurt. After all, when she is in that state... she does absolutely ridiculous things.'

He stretched as he climbed his way to the highest and quietest part of the audiences' stadium where he knew the rest of the GoM -if they bothered coming at all- would be.

And as expected, everyone except Murasakibara, Kumiko and Akashi was there.

He knew Rakuzan was having a training camp at Akashi's personal beach resort these days so Akashi and Kumiko were busy in some isolated island and Murasakibara was well... Murasakibara after all.

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