Chapter 4: It's About Time I Give Up... On Loving You.

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Hello minna~~~~~~~ yesssss this author is back after so long but but but with the longest chapter thus far alright! (*'∇`*) Can't you guys just pretend I've updated three -no, two- chapters with this? (๑>◡<๑)

Well still, despite how slow I'm being, (sowwy (*'ω`*)) please still vote, comment and wait for me, ne! I promise I have everything (almost) all thought out now I just need to pen it down in an interesting (? I hope it has been thus far...) way~!

And I know it isn't sad enough (or at least, my kind of sad) but but but, I promise it's coming! Not yet but of course it's coming! It has to come to be interesting right?

Hehe, well then, as usual, the pictures (I don't know who made that but isn't it amazing?!) and the KnB characters do not belong to me (although please Daiki, can you just be mine?).



Kuroko stared at the taller male and expressionlessly, he stated, "you knew, didn't you?"

At that, Aomine's lips tilted into his trademark smirk. "How did you found out, Tetsu?"

"Aomine-kun. You've always been looking for a player stronger than you. The newspaper has already mentioned that such a player exist in our team. Yet, even knowing that, you came late and you don't seem so surprised at not seeing this strong player." The shadow has always known his light well. "It means you already knew who she is and... you've already met her."

"As usual, you know me well." He took off his jacket, revealing the sleek black jersey with its number 5 on it. "I will devastate your team, Tetsu. After all, it is her request."

"I see. This is her 'Learn with every loss' method, isn't it?" Determination shone in The Phantom member's eyes. "But we will win regardless today."

"I'll love to see you try."

Third POV

"What's the matter, Tetsu?" Aomine Daiki looked... disappointed. "If this was the light you've chosen, your taste has dropped. Tremendously."

Even Kagami Taiga, New Light of the Shadow, could not refute a single word he's said. After all, the one on the ground now... was him.

He tried to push himself up but the legs that have been severely overworked would not even obey such a simple command.

Aomine Daiki was known as The Ace of The GoM for a simple reason. He was not someone to be underestimated. They should have known. From the moment The Ace has walked into the court, all chances of victory have already been lost.

After all, The Ace has returned but The Joker did not. Thus, losing was the only option left.


"K." The male 'sunburning' on the roof yawned. "It's as you said."

"Thanks." The white haired female on the other end of the call smiled. "As usual, thanks for helping me."

"You talk like an adult now. So formal." He goodheartedly rolled his eyes as he complained. "Anyway, how is your training going?"

"It's going well." She said lightly despite the tiredness apparent in her eyes but hidden in her voice. "I'll make sure to wipe that smirk off your face, Daiki."

"Hah! I'll love to see you try. Though..." his eyes softened a little. "I, too, wish for you to drag me out of this darkness soon. It's awfully boring staying at the top."

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