Chapter 13: The Emperor... Has Known All Along.

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Hello! I'm back! Giving my thanks to all the people who waited and I've had fun reading all your comments!

While I was writing this chapter, I've just realized I've been spelling Tommy's name wrongly all these while. I wanted something hard/complicated sounding so I came up with Tommy Zacchaeus Kein but that kinda backfired. XD Representer of goldfish memory, me, keeps forgetting how to spell Zacchaeus! I realized I've misspelt it into Zaccheous in some chapters... Wellll... we shall ignore that.


"Hey, K." Aomine finally plopped down onto the ground helplessly and stared at the starless sky.


"Exactly how did I meet a stubborn person like you?"

She lied down onto the ground beside him and answered truthfully, "by intruding into my world and disrupting my peace."

"Tch. I'll let you know it was your fortune I dragged you into my world away from that lonely place while I was at it."

A smile grazed her lips tenderly. "I never said it wasn't."

'So, thank you.'

(Author-chan: *slaps myself* wrong ship.)

Third POV


A small clicking sound was heard as the door was unlocked and then pushed open. The two males who have been silently staring at each other immediately turned towards the door.

And so, like an owner who has been away for a long time, two pairs of delighted puppy-like eyes met hers.


"Tom," she said and then paused, taking a closer look at the other red haired male, but the fragrant scent wafting from the luxurious dinner set out behind them has already confirmed her doubts. While Akashi was indeed the gentler personality, it was only Seijuro who would be able to cook up such a table of dishes perfected to her taste. "Seijuro."

"You said you would wait for my return." Seijuro walked towards her. There was no hint of accusation in his tone at all, because even the rougher and less benevolent of the two personalities would not even think about blaming the person so carefully treated in his heart. No, not anymore. Still, he could not hide the edge of disappointment in his voice.

"Daiki called me out." She stepped forward and took the initiative to wrap her arms around his waist. She could tell it was what he had wanted to do the moment she came back but look at him still being this careful with her!

He eagerly followed through with her actions, hugging her tighter towards him and placing his head on her shoulder. Then, he mumbled, "should I break his legs?"

She laughed, "don't bully Daiki!"


"Did you just 'tch' me, Seijuro?"

"I did not."

"I heard it clearly."

"You heard wrong."

"Are you saying my ears are bad now?"

"..." A complete defeat. However... the Emperor accepted it gracefully. He nudged against her shoulders, straight-faced as he mumbled, "I was wrong."

Behind them, Tommy has wisely started digging into the delicacies in front of him the moment he sensed the atmosphere turning a little too sweet.

He finally put his chopsticks down, the bowl of rice that he has scooped up for himself already emptied. As expected, this man has talents of a 5-stars chef!

The Empress' Redemption (Kuroko no Basket)(Akashi x oc)Where stories live. Discover now