Chapter 10: The Emperor Attempts To Correct A Mistake Too Wrong.

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Here I come with another chapter! Even I think it's honestly been a long wait >< that's why, from the bottom of my heart, I give my thanks to all the people who continue to wait.

Thank you and I hope to see you next chapter too!



I want to continue playing basketball with all of them for the rest of my life!


As though fate has decided to intervene and play a bad joke once more, the next part of her thought never came.

Instead, what came, was the blinding light of a car's headlight, and her eyes widened for one last time before they would stay in complete darkness for the next 5 months.


The doors of Teiko's main gym slammed open as the grinning face of The Ace of The Generation of Miracles was seen.


"Keep the 'yo' to yourself, Dai-chan." Momoi rolled her eyes goodheartedly.

"You're here already?!" He spotted the rest of the GoM who have all come earlier than him. "You're all here already?!"

"You played harder than anyone yesterday so it's already amazing that you could gather enough energy to come today." Kumiko greeted with a smile.

"Hahah, of course! Instead, I feel like I haven't played enough yesterday, I'm still bursting with energy."

"Aominecchi..." Kise wailed as he ran towards Aomine. "You won't feel that way very soon. Akashicchi isn't going easy on our training at all!"

"Is Kei not here yet?" Akashi ignored the blond's complaint.

"Nee did say she would come after a shower but it's been some time." Kumiko replied. "She seemed tired so perhaps she went back to sleep. Should I call her?"

"It's fine, let her sleep then."


As the GoM watched the play on court, only Murasakibara's eyes stayed unwavering on Kumiko. His eyes narrowed, creating a frown on that otherwise expressionless face.

Meanwhile, unaware of the pair on eyes on her, Kumiko could hardly keep that gentle smile on her face anymore.

Because, she too...

Has kept a secret for far too long.


"That's impossible!" A voice from the girl who has never spoken so loudly -much less in front of her parents- in her life resounded in the huge house. "Nee wouldn't!"

"She has decided to go overseas to study." Her mother took a sip from her teacup, looking ever so calm that it was almost frustrating to see for the small girl standing in front of her. "We sent her off just this afternoon."

"You..." Kumiko couldn't stop the accusing words from leaving her mouth. "forced her."

"Kumiko Rei." His father slammed his hand onto the table with a loud thud and those eyes narrowed terrifyingly. "Watch your words."

She knew her parents doted on her a lot despite their strictness on Keiko so hearing her father growl for the first time in her life made her involuntarily take a few steps back.

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