Chapter 3: An old Friend. He Who Knows Her The Best.

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Hello minna~~~ this chapter was a little later than the previous few but I've compensated that by making it almost twice as long.

There will be some words in bold to represent the conversations that are in English instead of Japanese.

As usual, the pictures do not belong to me.

Well, with that, have fun reading~



Slowly, he broke into a smirk.

"You're back. " he turned around to face the figure in that kind of attire he knew so well.

Black hoodie and a black mask. The person who was always covering herself, afraid to let anyone find out that she was secretly playing basketball. When she entered Teiko, under Akashi's influence, she didn't need to hide. That was why the GoM have only seen her play in her jersey or school's training attire.

The her before entering Teiko that even the GoM would not be able to recognize, only Aomine Daiki knew. Because, the one who has known her the longest...

Was him.

"K. "

Third POV


Third POV

"Hey you! Do you mind sharing the court?"

8 year-old Aomine Daiki was the first to intrude on her small piece of paradise.

To the small figure pulling down her bonnet, desperately trying to hide her face, he waved his hands wildly, thinking that she might not have heard him after all. "Yooo! I asked if I could share the court!"

8 year-old Keiko Rei has already frozen up with her hands tightly hugging the basketball slightly too big for them.

She wasn't allowed to stay out of the house.

That was the Rei Household's first rule set down for her.

She wasn't allowed to talk to strangers.

That was their second rule.

Meeting someone her age for the first time, she didn't know what to do at all.

Her younger sister has always been able to go to school and even encouraged to bring her friends back home to play while all she could do was watch them from the small window in her room. Homeschooled all her life, this was really perhaps the first time she had have a real life person her age stand so close to her.

She took a small step back in her bewilderment.

Well, he took that as an invitation to enter the court. The brazen kid.

"Hey, you look my age! From your height." He grinned. "I'm 8, how about you?"

"I'm..." she was still a bit taken back by his friendliness.

Were all people from the outside like this? She wasn't sure.


"Ah, then we're the same age! That makes us friends then!" The audacious boy smiled again.


She was pretty sure she has seen that word in a dictionary somewhere before. What was it again? Ah, 'A person you know well and regard with trust and affection'.

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