Chapter 7: The Past He No Longer Treasures.

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Hello minna~!! This chapter has been really tough TT^TT. I got stuck in so many places that I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to finish it. But here it is! Chapter 7, finally!

For those who have waited as always for this always late author, thank you!

Knb characters and the picture above do not belong to me.

Enjoy reading~!


"The one who is 'too kind', isn't that you?" He shook his head in that fine-you-win way as he asked, "then what have you decided to use as your excuse?"


"Nothing? You're not even gonna come up with an excuse? And you think that'll be enough to convince him of your absence?" He scrunched up his face, absolutely clueless about the way she thinks.

"I don't need to explain. And, he won't ask." She smiled to herself as she remembered Akashi's words. "Because..."


"He promised to trust me."

Third POV

"That Akashi Seijuro made a promise?" His threw a glance her way in absolute disbelief. "Shouldn't he be above making promises?"

"'That Akashi Seijuro' is still my Sei, mind you." She reminded.

"Yeah yeah." He rolled his eyes and sighed.

She gave him a light punch. "So you can't say anything to him either, alright?"

"Perhaps this is a great chance to get someone to raid your house and see exactly what your parents are so against you leaving it for." He grumbled with a hint of genuine concern in those blue eyes. "Are they trying to make you into a hermit?"

"Daiki, they are my parents regardless. I'll get angry if you keep talking about them like that."

"Argh. That's the part I can't stand about you. Have no one ever told you that kindness makes it easy for you to be taken advantage of?"

"I'll take that as a compliment." She shrugged off his words with a smile.

"Please do not."

Unbeknownst to the two of them, the dark figure who had heard everything walk past them from behind as the plan that will change their lives started brewing at the back of his mind.


"I won't ask you for your reasons if you don't wish to say." The red headed male leaned forward to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear for her.

"I know." She softly placed down the 2 resignation letters on his desk.

He took a glance at them and for that fleeting moment, she saw a flash of sadness in them that made her want to give him a hug and tell him everything.

Still, The Empress was not someone who would so easily go back on her decision and the letters of resignation from both her positions as the Vice-President of Teiko and Vice-Captain of The Basketball Club were enough proof.

"This, I will reluctantly accept, but this..." He took the letter of resignation from her position as Vice-President but slide the other letter across the table back to her. "Please take this back, Kei."


"You will come back to the basketball team, is that right?"

"Of course, and I will join the Winter Cup too." She met his eyes with an unrivaled determination.

The Empress' Redemption (Kuroko no Basket)(Akashi x oc)Where stories live. Discover now