Chapter 8: Against The Joker, It's The Empress' Victory. The Emperor's Visit.

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Hello! I'm back! *guiltily* Hehe... so! I'm finally done with this chapter! It's getting harder and harder to write this but I have this plot I really like so I will definitely finish this!

So before we start, let's make some things clear:

Bold = English (I find myself repeating. Probably to remind myself...) (And this does not apply to all times. Mostly only when Tommy is involved.)

Next, for those of you who have seen the anime/ read the manga, you'll know about Akashi's double personality. (The one who is all 'I'm Absolute' and the one who stands for the team') So, it's not really that serious but it Keiko case, there is The Empress and The Joker.

Well then, please vote and comment lots~!!



"Keiko-chan, are you all right?" Kuroko had been worried about the small figure sitting by herself in that darkened corridor.

"Tetsu." One of her eyes have already turned red despite how much she had been suppressing herself as she looked up at him.

"I'm really nearing my patience."

Third POV

Startled, Kuroko involuntarily took a step back, a familiar wave of danger overwhelming him.

"Tetsu." She pulled her hood down to hide her eyes and it was only then did Kuroko find himself able to move again. "Go. I'll be fi-...!"

Her eyes widened as she saw Hanamiya stomp heavily onto the back of Kiyoshi's calf and heard a cracking sound so clear her hairs were standing on their ends.

Riko stood up immediately, on the verge of tears as she confronted the referee.

However, Hanamiya was known for his dirty tricks and not once has any referees spotted his underhanded means with him executing them where the referees would not be able to see. So in the end, it was Seirin who received a yellow card for making a fuss.

Kiyoshi refused to leave the court and even though everyone could see how he was struggling just to remain standing on one leg, he insisted on staying to block the worst of the blows for the rest of the Seirin members.

Unable to stand it any longer, Riko gave an order with her authority as Seirin's coach and had Kiyoshi forcefully subbed out.

The game continued despite Kiyoshi's protests and the third quarter finally, came to an end.

All the while, everything was happening in front of her widened eyes.

Never... never have she seen something like this.

No, it would be more accurate to say that never, has she ever allowed something like this to happen right under her nose.

The Joker... The Joker was too weak, one part of her was saying.

'Too weak.'

If she couldn't even protect her team, how can she even hope to save the GoM?


'Too insolent.'

'Who gave him the rights, to act this imprudently?'

Keiko tried to find the source of the voice in her mind. Who was it that was so haughty and sounded so angry at the same time?

The Empress' Redemption (Kuroko no Basket)(Akashi x oc)Where stories live. Discover now