Chapter 1.

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Niall's POV

"Hey Ni, is everything okay?" Louis asked me while waving his hand in front of my face. "Oh, yeah, sorry, I must've zoned out." I quickly replied. Honestly, I was staring at the new kid from Bradford. He's beautiful. I'd never tell Lou that though. I'm not openly homosexual, and I'd like it to stay that way. "Yeah you did bro! Are you nervous about that test in History?" Liam asked. Liam is one of my best pals, but i'm not going to lie, he gets really annoying when all he does is talk about class. "No, i'll be fine. I was just thinking that's all. Come on guys, let's get to class." I said trying to change the subject.

I have all my classes with Liam and Lou, and lately they've been getting really close. It's kind of getting weird. But anyways, the new kids are in some of my classes too. I remember when Mrs. Williams, our history teacher, introduced them to the class. Nobody would look at them, like they were almost scared of them. Yeah, i'll admit, i'm a little scared of them, but i'm not going to shutter when they walk by me. Math and English dragged by. I couldn't wait to see Zayn, yeah, I think that's his name. I couldn't wait for English to be over so I could go to History and just see the new kid, and not to mention get this test over with.

The bell rang to get out of English, I sprinted to history, Lou and Liam followed slowly behind. We finally got into history. Liam and Louis sit across from me, they crammed in some last minute studying before the test. Zayn and the other new kid sit behind me, I heard the mumbling to each other, something like, "Those kids over there, nerds."  I shook it off though, to be honest, I was scared of  the other new boy, Harry. And I didn't want to mess with him. As Mrs. Williams began to read the instructions to the test aloud, I felt pressure on my back, almost like someone was trying to get my attention...

Zayn's POV.

"I feel like such an outcast Haz." I confessed. Haz, that's Harry's nickname. "Why do you feel that way Zayn?" Hm, maybe because all the cliques that have been formed since they were younger hung out in the hall way while i'm standing in the corner with my brother, dying to slip outside for a quick cigarette. "Oh, it's nothing never mind" I proclaimed, not wanting to get into it.

There was this boy, who was staring at me today though, this is something new. Usually the kids in Mullingar don't want to talk to someone like me, or even look at me. I'm not sure if he was looking at me, or just spacing out, but he was beautiful. I've never had feelings for a boy, but I can't get his face out of my mind. He's in my history class. I hope I can actually have a conversation with him today.

We got into History, and I was talking to Haz. We we're talking about the blonde kids friends. They were actually studying before the test. We couldn't help but laugh. Back in Bradford, grades were our last priority. I was totally unprepared for class today. I had no pencil and all Harry had was Pens. There was kids to my right and Harry sat on my left. The kids to my right would never bring their heads up to look at me, so I had to resort in asking the only kid who wasn't afraid of me.

Mrs. Williams started to read the instructions to the test aloud, while I tried to get the boys attention is front of me, he didn't turn around at first. All I need is a pencil..


Sorry the chapter is so short & kind of boring!! It'll get better! I promise.

The new kids, they were beautiful. {A Ziall Story. boyxboy}Where stories live. Discover now