Chapter 3.

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Liam's  POV.

Niall had something to tell me, and he looked really serious about it. I was surprised he was telling me because lately I feel like he's getting jealous of how much time Lou and I have been spending together. But of course, because Ni is my friend, i'd be happy to listen to him. "So I think i'm starting to fancy someone.." I heard niall say real quiet. I don't remember the last time Niall liked a girl. I don't think he ever has. "AWE, lad, who's the lucky lady?" Niall began to turn this weird shade of white, like he was going to be sick. "woah, bro, are you alright? You don't look like yourself man." I said worried. It took Niall a couple minutes to calm down, and that's when the big surprise happened.

It wasn't a lady, it wasn't a lady at all. "He's not a girl." Niall said. "Liam, i'm gay. Haven't you ever wondered why I was in my senior year of high school and didn't have a girlfriend? It's because I don't like girls. The BOY I'm starting to like is Zayn. Zayn Malik." Niall proceeded to tell me stretching out the 'o' in the word 'boy'. Honestly, I was a bit caught off guard. Has Niall ever had feelings for me, or lou? Did he tell his parents? Does Lou know? All of these thoughts started to fill my head once Niall admitted to me that he was gay. "Hey man, don't cry. I think it's cool that you're gay. Did you tell Lou?" RIght when those words came out of my mouth, I felt little hands lift me from the ground. "No, Louis doesn't know, and it'll stay that way, right?" I nodded. I've never been scared of Niall, but at this very moment, I could tell he was as serious as it was going to get.

How could I not tell Lou? He's my best friend. I feel bad keeping secrets from him, but this isn't my secret. it's Niall's. don't tell Lou, don't tell Lou, don't tell Lou. My thoughts repeated that over and over. I couldn't tell Lou, or I would lose Niall's trust all together, But if Lou finds out, and he finds out that I know, I may lose Louis' trust and friendship. I'm in quite a pickle.  


The next morning Louis and I drove to school together, and Niall's mum dropped him off. Niall is ashamed of being dropped off his senior year, by his mum. So he makes her drop him off behind the school, so that is where we met him. Niall seemed to be out of his element today, possibly because of last night, I'm not sure. I noticed through the classes Niall had been looking at the scary new kid more often. And then it happened. We were in science class when Mr. Car told us we were starting a new project and we got to have partners, but he was going to pick them. "Liam Payne, you'll be partners with Rose Hutchinson, Louis Tomlinson, you'll be partners with Danielle Peazer. Zayn Malik, you'll be partners with Niall Horan. And Harry Styles, you'll be partners with Elizabeth Day." Niall's face lit up like a kids face on Christmas. I looked at Zayn and he was smiling too. He was probably smiling because Niall is the smartest kid in the class when it comes to science. If he hurts my friend, i'll hurt him. Rose wasn't a bad person, I actually enjoyed her company, and Lou and Danielle have been friends since they were young. So we all got good partners. This should be fun.

Zayn's POV.

Oh great another day of school. Last night I had gotten no sleep because the blonde boys face would not leave my mind. I'm beginning to fancy the lad. He never left my mind. The beginning of the day went by so fast, Haz said it's like someone hit fast forward on our lives. Haz is very fortune cookie like.

Today, in Mr. Cars class he had announced that we would be doing an experiment, and we got to work with partners. "Liam Payne, you'll be partners with Rose Hutchinson, Louis Tomlinson, you'll be partners with Danielle Peazer. Zayn Malik, you'll be partners with Niall Horan. And Harry Styles, you'll be partners with Elizabeth Day." Niall Horan, that's the blonde boy! This gives me an excuse to talk to him. After class, I went to my locker, and found a note.

"Hey Zayn. So I guess we're partners in science. Text me and we can meet up sometime to do the work. My number is on the back of this note. - Niall Horan." I turned the note over and It read the cute blonde boys' number. I read the note over and over again, it gave me chills. The blonde boy knows where my locker is! Maybe I shouldn't call him the blonde boy. His name is niall.

"WOAH BRO, WHAT DO YOU HAVE THERE? A LOOOVE NOTE? YOU'RE FACE IS AS RED AS A TOMATO." I heard Harry yelling from down the hall. I hate when Harry does this. He creates so much attention to the people he is talking to. "No Haz, it's not a love note. Niall gave me his number so we can meet up for science. Knock it off." Haz obeyed. After school, I dropped Niall a text.

"Hey, Niall. When do you want to meet up? - Zayn Malik. :)"

He responded quickly.

"Hey Zayn, we can meet up today. My house is full, but i'm sure Liam will let me borrow his flat for homework. - Niall Horan."

"Okay. Meet you there. - Zayn Malik. :)"

I hopped on my motorcycle and made my way to Liam's flat. I was nervous. Zayn Malik never gets nervous.

Niall's POV.

With Liam knowing my feelings for Zayn he surely let me borrow his flat so we can do homework. I have to admit, I was nervous. I've never actually had a conversation with him. Liam lived down the street, I proceeded to walk there, I waited in the driveway for Zayn to show up before making my way into the flat. I heard the noise of a motorcycle. I imagined it to be Zayn. It was. He pulled up, parked, got off the bike and said "Come on Lad, time to get to work." It was like he was singing every time he talked. His voice is so beautiful. We walked up the walk way right into Liam's flat, and sat down around the breakfast bar in the kitchen.

"So what do you want to do this experiment on?" I said to him. Hoping he had been generating an idea while I was too busy thinking about him. "Uh, i'm not sure. I haven't actually been thinking about science. I'm actually having problems at home, not much time for school work." Did Zayn Malik just open up to me? "Oh, I see. If you want to talk about it. We can." "No, I don't want to talk about it, but I have a question, why didn't we do this at your house?" The real is that I did want to be alone with him. Not with my mum there. "Uh, my mum is just annoying. I hate her" "DON'T SAY THAT. YOU DONT KNOW HOW LUCKY YOU ARE. SOME KIDS DONT EVEN KNOW THEIR REAL MOTHER." Zayn screamed as tears rolled down his face. Was he adopted? Am I supposed to comfort him? what do I do. The bad boy zany malik is crying right in front of me. "Uh, Zayn. I'm sorry man. I didn't know." I said putting my arm around his shoulders. He looked up at me with those beautiful brown watery eyes and said "It's ok. im sorry I yelled. let's get to work."

Oh man was this boy beautiful. His lips were so full, the perfect lips to be kissed. Niall, stop thinking about your science partner and get back to work, I told myself time after time when I found myself thinking about the beautiful boy. Every time I began to work on the project, i'd get frustrated, and Zayn just giggled every time. His laugh was the cutest thing. The last time I got frustrated, Zayn replied. "aha, Blondie, you're cute when you're frustrated."


I'll update a little later guys! x

The new kids, they were beautiful. {A Ziall Story. boyxboy}Where stories live. Discover now