Good Morning

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(This chapter and a few others have been rewritten. Or you could just say I improved them a bit. Any comments from before September 2022 on this chapter on the chapter after this may not make sense because this chapter is almost completely rewritten.)

Sunny sat there, by Mewo's side, stroking her soft, black fur. Her purrs were quiet and peaceful, and Sunny couldn't really hear anything else. He had recently just moved in after returning from the hospital with his mother. It was his first month in the city, and to be honest, he wasn't enjoying it. There was always the annoying, loud, constant sound of cars driving by, he missed the quiet, peaceful nights back at Faraway. He was never an extrovert either, so being in a city which is crowded by tons of people is just an uncomfortable concept for him.

The raven haired boy stood up, causing Mewo to meow at him in confusion, he walked up to the square mirror that was hung on his plain bedroom wall, he stared at his reflection. A visible, white eye patch covered his left eye. It was given to him after he left the hospital. They said he was lucky that the wound wasn't too deep and that it would eventually heal. But his eyesight would never be the same.

He sighed once again and turned around, only to see Mewo hadn't got bored and left, and she was still sitting on the floor in front of him, she tilted her head and stared at him with her wide eyes. At least Mewo was there to keep him company, his mother was usually at work during the afternoons which was when he usually got up, the woman was barely ever around. That hadn't really changed, besides from the fact he was gifted a phone for his 16th birthday so now he got messages from her every so often, since Sunny wasn't keen on calling. To add to this, Sunny didn't have any friends here in the city, and he didn't want to make any either. It would be too difficult for him. He felt a warm fluffy ball of joy curl around his ankles, and his lips curled into a tiny smile as he crouched down to pet the ball of joy, which was Mewo trying to get her attention back once more.

"SUNNY!" A familiar voice called Sunny's name, and he jumped, spinning around and looking straight at his door to listen. "It's time to leave soon, you're staying for a week at Kel and Hero's house, remember? Help yourself to breakfast. I'll be in my room if you need me!"

It was just his mother.

...And right, it all came back to him now. Today Sunny was going to be staying with Kel and Hero in Faraway. After all, he had been waiting to see them again for a while, be couldn't wait to see his friends again. Sunny had spoken to Kel over the phone about this day, and Hero had obviously known too, and was looking forward to Sunny's arrival as much as Kel. Well actually, maybe Kel was looking forward to it a little bit more, maybe too much? Kel was practically hyped, (he said so on the phone.) And he mentioned all the stuff he, Sunny and the others could do. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Ah, that reminded Sunny, he was lucky, very lucky that he still had friends who loved and supported him, even after telling the truth, he could finally forgive himself. They all took it hard but, they worked with it. They could have refused to see Sunny ever again, stop contact with him, things like wish him the worst. But no, his friends were better than that. Accidents happen. Maybe it was just meant to be.

Sunny took a deep breath and slowed his breathing, coming back to the present. He didn't have much time, he had to put the rest of his things together while he still could. He stood up straight, leaving Mewo and heading to his suitcase as if he were going on holiday. He began to pack the clothes he wanted to take, the rest of his things were already packed and ready. His clothing choice was just all black, white and grey. Not the most colorful, but that's how he liked it. He grabbed the suitcase's handle and left the room heading down the slim corridor, he paused, and looked up at an old photo hung on the patterned wall, "Mari." He thought. It was a picture of him and Mari side by side, and a mini table with a bright, white flower in a vase on top of it stood under the picture. He turned away and made his way into the living room, but before heading to the kitchen, he leaned his suitcase next to the couch, there was no point dragging it around. He walked over to the kitchen and got what he needed, pouring the milk into a clean bowl and shaking plain cereal into it.
(At the same time, because Sunny is build differently.)
He returned to the living room and sat down. He didn't want to take long, so he quickly finished the cereal and sat down, waiting for the moment, Mewo ran to the living room and she jumped on to the arm rest of the couch, sitting down beside Sunny.
"Meow? [Time is complicated, isn't it?]"

"Honey, it's time to leave! We don't wanna be late, it's almost 10:30! I must have lost track of time, quick grab your stuff dear." His mother called out, and she left her room to open the front door. Sunny nodded and he patted Mewo goodbye, before grabbing his suitcase and leaving the apartment.

They got into the elevator and Sunny's mother pressed the ground floor button. And a loud  following shortly after. Sunny didn't live high up, he just lived on the second floor, and the stairs were going through some construction work, so he had to take the elevator for now. The elevator's doors slid open once again and they left the building, getting into the car and heading off to Faraway. What would occur?

Mewo watched the car drive away from the small window she was stood behind. Only time would tell.

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