Forever? Forever. (FINAL)

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They all returned to the campsite, and everything was tidied up, not an item left out in sight. "Hey guys!" Hero waved, holding campfire equipment. "How was it?"

"Terrible." Aubrey sat straight down on the grass and kind of hurt her back while doing so.

"Why's that?"

"Aubrey reckons the staff were being abnormal." Basil shrugged, standing beside Sunny and Kel as the sunlight reflected on their eyes. "They. WERE. abnormal." The pink haired complained, Hero remembered how the staff were with him. "Well, I have to say, they were pretty odd when I spoke to them, but its best not to be rude about it."

"Whatever.." Aubrey sighed once again.

"Anyways guys...I have a small surprise for later." Hero looked down at the 4. Basil moved a few strands of blonde hair away from his face, tucking them behind his ear. "What is it?"

"Well..." Hero opened his mouth to speak, but hesitated. "You'll see." He smiled lightly, and he put down the several things he was carrying. "I'll start cooking some soup for later, you guys go ahead and explore." He added, collecting ingredients from his rucksack. "Soup? You never told us anything about soup." Aubrey tilted her head in confusion. Hero looked at Aubrey from his side, and he started ripping open packets and small bags, and began opening bottles and other things filled with ingredients to make the soup. "I didn't have to." He flashed his charming smile once again.

Kel ran over to the top of a hill and he looked down. "Hey guys! Looks like there's a lake nearby, we can go check it out?" He suggested. "Sounds like a plan." Basil made his way up the small hill, Sunny lagging behind him, "Yeah sure whatever." Aubrey got up on her feet again and she walked lazily over the hill. They all ran down the hill to find that the lake was actually closer than they expected. They all crouched down beside one another, and looked down at the clear, glimmering water of the lake. The sounds of water rushing fast and crashing against rocks filled the air. Basil took a deep breath, "It's so...calming." he smiled, and hopped over from rock to rock, to the other side of the lake, and he began to walk around another hill. "Where are you going?" Aubrey peered over at Basil.


"Where. are. you. going?"



"Sorry, Aubrey, I can't hear you, the water is too loud!!"

Aubrey stood up straight and hopped over on the rocks to the other side where Basil was, and she stood opposite him, lowering down to his height and yelling. "WHERE. DO. YOU. THINK. YOU'RE. GOING?"

Basil nodded, "Oh! I can hear you now! Ehe." Aubrey facepalmed and sighed. "WELL?"

"I'm going to explore more, come with if you'd like!"

"Sure hold on." Aubrey looked over to Sunny and Kel who were still on the previous side of the lake. "Hey, you two! We're gonna explore more, wanna come with?"

"What??" Kel yelled, trying to be louder than the lake was. Aubrey groaned, and turned around, leaving with Basil. Kel watched in confusion, making his way across the lake with Sunny, "H-Hey wait for us!"


They all walked down the dirt path, the more they walked the quieter and further the sounds of the lake got. They had entered a field that was filled with vibrant flowers and tall grass.

[ Timeskip to night. ]

It was cold, it was dark, but most importantly, it was quiet, despite the loud chirping from nearby grasshoppers. Everyone was back at camp, staring at the flickering campfire.

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