The Visit

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A few days later, Kel's visit was already arranged. A few plans were made for the whole group, and Kel would be telling Sunny the news when he got to his house. Kel was rushing around his living room, nervous about forgetting anything. "C'mon Kel!" Hero yelled from the car, honking the horn twice. Kel jumped slightly, and his turned to the open front door, "Coming!" He yelled back and kneeled down to Hector's height and rubbed his face, "Cya later boy!" He grinned.


Kel ran to the car and jumped in, slamming the car door behind him. And they drove off. There was silence for a few minutes. "So... you're also coming to see Sunny, right?" Kel continued to swing his legs, and Hero shrugged, "I don't know, Kel. I'll have to see." He said, keeping his eyes on the road.


"Kel we're here!"

Kel jumped as he had almost fallen asleep, but the adrenaline in him came back and he bounced in excitement, getting out of the car too quickly causing him to trip. Hero chuckled at him and the younger brother stood up, brushing himself off. "So, are you coming?" He asked, and Hero looked to the side, "I think I'll visit another day." He said, and Kel sighed dramatically. "Fineee..."

"I'll see you later Kel, have fun." Hero said, and he drove off with a smile. Kel waved, and then he quickly ran up to the apartments door, pressing the buzzer with a Sunny's adress number on it. A familiar woman with dull red hair came down in a lift from inside and she walked towards the door, opening it and smiling. "Well hello, Kel. Growing taller everyday, I see." She chuckled, and Kel nodded eagerly. "Definitely. I know I'll be the taller brother at some point." He said, and the woman nodded in some sort of agreement. "Wasn't Hero going to stay for a little too?"Oh it's alright, he's always welcome anyway. Come on inside and follow me." Sunny's mother reassured him and let him inside the building, they walked towards the elevator, entering, "Don't you and Sunny only live on the fourth floor?" Kel raised an eyebrow, and the woman nodded as the elevator's doors closed. "Yeah, but I have had back pains recently, so we take the lift, Sunny hasn't bothered to take the stairs either, with or without me. So its kind of a thing now." She explained, and Kel nodded, that was understandable, he supposed. But since he was focusing on seeing Sunny, he didn't dwell on it. Finally, the elevator arrived at the right floor, and Kel rushed towards the door Sunny's mother was pointing at, she twisted the key and opened the door. "Sunny, Kel's here!" She called, and Kel ran straight to Sunny who was doodling in his little notepad on the couch and he almost knocked him over from the impact if hugging him. "Right, now that Kel's here, I can go grocery shopping. I'll see you soon, boys." Sunny's mother said, "Bye, mom." Sunny waved good bye and she did the same, leaving the apartment once again.

"Sunny! It's so good to see you again!" Kel grinned.

"I only saw you a few days ago, but it's good to see you too, Kel."

"So I was just wondering...if you  wanted to go on this trip me and Hero arranged, Aubrey and Basil are coming too, and I thought it would be a great idea since we don't spend enough time together!"

 Sunny placed down his notebook on the table opposite him and thought for a second, and nodded, "Yeah sure, sounds cool."

"Awesome! This is gonna be so fun." Kel reassured, he took a minute to observe the area. There was silence while Kel sat next to Sunny. The house wasn't too much different in style from Sunny's old one, but it still looked a little more modern in some way. Kel glanced at the coffee table in front of them and he spotted Sunny's notebook that had been placed there not too long ago.

"Hey Sunny," Kel said, not taking his eyes off of the notebook.


"Can I look through your notebook? I always knew you were a good artist ever since we were young." He complimented, and Sunny nodded hesitantly. Kel reached over to grab it, and he opened it slowly. There were sketches of cats, people, doors for some odd reason and buildings. Probably a few other things Kel couldn't make out too. They were rather drawn in crayon or pencil. "Woah.." Kel stared at each picture in amazement, his eyes sparkling. "These are so good! I wish I could draw like you. Man, you know how much of a rubbish drawer I am." He chuckled. Sunny's cheeks turned pink in flatter. "Thank you." He said.

"You're almost as good as Mincy!"


Kel quickly shook his head placing down the notebook in realization, "Oh man, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it that way! You're both equally good!"

"Don't worry about it Kel, it's fine. I could never be as good as Mincy." Sunny gave a small smile.

"You totally could! You could do anything if you put your mind to it Sunny. Especially you"

"...I suppose so."

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