Town Trouble

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[Kel and Hero's Room]

Sunny woke up to the loud tweeting of the birds outside, he was alone in the room. He figured that Kel had already woken up, the basketball lover was always a morning person, though Sunny, however, was not. But there was no point going back to sleep now.

Did he fall asleep in the middle of reading the Captain Spaceboy comic? Oh well.

He slowly sat up and got off of the bed, rubbing his eyes to clear his vision. He slowly began walking over to the door and leaving the room, a few seconds later, he spotted Kel in the hallway, "Sunny you're up! Quick, come with me!" Kel grabbed Sunny's wrist and ran down the stairs so fast Hero didn't even see them leave, he only heard the door opening and closing. Sunny's eyes were now snapped open, he was not expecting that at all. "You're not gonna have breakfast?..." Sunny asked, attempting to slow the brunette boy down, but it was no use.. "Nope! I just wanna spend the day with you!" The brunette replied with a wide grin, continued to run  with Sunny's wrist in his hand. Sunny felt his grow slightly warm, he wasn't sure why, but he felt...flattered., flattered that Kel wanted to skip breakfast just to spend the day with him...

Wait, hold on just a second.

"Can I at least get my shoes?..."

The taller of the two stopped in his tracks, "O-Oh yeah, sorry about that I kinda forgot." He said, flashing his trademark goofy grin, which was masking his embarrassment.

Once Sunny got his shoes on they were right out the door, again. Time passed and Kel had not slowed down once, they soon made it to Faraway centre. It was a little bit busy and a huge crowd formed around, the two spotted the hooligans outside of Othermart. And with no hesitation, Kel ran straight to them with Sunny's wrist still in hand. It was sort of starting to hurt...heh. The first hooligan to notice Sunny and Kel was Kim, she turned to them while adjusting her bright red glasses. "Hey, guys! What's going on here?" Kel asked, observing the crowd. The blue-hooded hooligan stuffed her hands into her pockets,

 "Not sure, there was a huge garage sale or something here yesterday if you didn't hear, and now people want their money back."

"Yeah, Aubrey told us something about a bargain yesterday, we should go check it out right, Sunny?" Kel said curiously while not letting go of him. "Oh- not that you have too or anything! You're probably tired with me dragged you around and all that.."

Kim looked at them, raising an eyebrow suspiciously, "Oh uhm are you too a thing now or-?"

"What?" Kel didn't really process Kim's words, but once he did, he cracked a nervous smile, beginning to laugh in a way that sounded off. "That's ridiculous." 

Kim raised both eyebrows this this time, and gave an unconvincing look, but she waved it off and smiled. "Alright dude, I was just messing with ya."

Sunny wasn't listening to what the two were talking about, Sunny pulled on Kel's arm, trying to get his attention, "What is it, Sunny?" The aforementioned asked, his question was soon answered with the loud sounds of screaming and smashing bottles that reached them. Kel looked over at the crowd, a figure in a red flannel walked up from behind Kim, it appeared to be Vance, who rested his elbow on Kim's shoulder, "They've been like this all morning." He said, looking over at the crowd.

"I'm surprised no Othermart employees have came out and asked everyone to leave. It's going completely ignored."

"Well, maybe me and Sunny can see what caused the fighting. We're good at solving problems." Kel grinned, but it faded when a wine bottle smashed right beside the hooligans, Kim flinched, "Let's beat it, guys." She said and the hooligans left on their scooters in a hurry. Kel shrugged, and he and Sunny went deeper into the crowd, trying to avoid getting hit by bottles or old fruits. There was an elderly lady seperated from the crowd, but she seemed to be shouting with them. The boys walked up to her, "Excuse me, but what is going on?" Kel asked before being startled by the lady's sudden reply. "Yesterday, this man was selling items that would usually be expensive, for a price of 10 dollars! But when I got home to try this lovely fan, it didn't work AND IT COMPLETELY FELL APART! HE SCAMMED US, AND WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK!" The lady replied, and she threw an opened fan box to the floor, getting angrier throughout her sentence, she was prepared to reach into her handbag and throw another tomato. "Oh, we'll go talk to him, miss!" Kel ensured the lady with a bright smile, but he quickly turned to his shorter 'friend', "Well, that's if you want to Sunny. I don't want to force you, this crowd is pretty rough." He said, wincing at the screaming and yelling that occurred from behind them. "'s okay." Sunny said quietly, but loud enough for Kel to hear over the arguing of the crowd.

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