Car Night

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Kel giggled, jumping into a mud puddle and splashing Aubrey, who was bending down to pick berries beside him, "Eugh Kel! Stop splashing me!" She whined. "But I was only having fun..I didn't even splash you that bad! If you don't wanna get splashed why don't you just move?.." Kel didn't take his eyes off of his boots, and continued to jump from puddle to puddle. "Well I'm picking berries here!" Aubrey said, not done complaining. "Hey, what's going on here?" A familiar, calming, soft voice asked behind them. It was none other than Mari, who held a small straw basket that carried loads of different berries. "Kel is splashing me and he won't stop even when I asked nicely...But I don't want to move because of the berries I'm picking." Aubrey frowned. "It's okay, Aubrey. We have loads of berries here! We can make smoothies with them." Mari smiled, tilting her head a little. "Smoothies? Yay!" Aubrey cheered, forgetting about Kel, and following Mari. Sunny came over to Kel, who was still jumping non-stop. "Can I join?" Sunny asked, his cliff-faced expression plastered to his face, but only a bit softer. "Sure!" Kel grinned, and moved to the other side of the puddle, leaving space for Sunny. They jumped together for a while, either one enjoying it.

Just like old times, eh?


"Well, since there's not really anything else to do, we can leave for the trip now." Hero said, closing the car door next to him. The pink haired girl beside him used her teeth to pull a hairband off of her wrist to tie her hair up into a simple ponytail. "Have we even decided where we're gonna set up camp?"

"Of course I have, who do you take me for?" Hero smirked. "True" Aubrey returned the smirk back, and turned her head back forward, getting her phone and earpods out of her pocket and swiping through her playlists, and she selected the one she had made especially for this trip. Hero started the car, and was back on the main road in no time. To surprise, it was already getting dark and the sun was setting over Faraway's rough green hills. A while after they left Faraway, the skies were a deep sea blue, dotted with bright white stars everywhere. Basil had fallen asleep, Aubrey had too, and Hero obviously hadn't, he had his tired eyes fixed on the road ahead, he could really use a lie down right about now. Sunny and Kel were also still awake, Kel had finished Sunny's bucket of berries and they were both getting tired, well, Kel not so much. He was still gently kicking his legs on the seat, smiling. He turned to Sunny and whispered as to not wake Aubrey or Basil up, "Hey, what should we do? Maybe a guessing game?" He asked, not taking the smile off of his face. Sunny shrugged. Kel began to think for a minute, but that was interrupted but the familiar sound of pitter patter against glass, it was now raining, and the odd squeaking of Hero's windscreen wipers filled the car, along with the spatters of the rain. Sunny tried to stay awake, forcing his eyes open, but he soon gave in, and fell asleep quite quickly, his head leaning onto Kel's shoulder, the car speeded up a bit, and Kel noticed Sunny. The taller boy smiled at the shorter, and he leaned his head on Sunny's in return. Kel shuffled a bit, closing his eyes. "Goodnight, Sunsun..." He whispered.


(Another tiny Hero bonus because he's awesome and because this chapter was short.):

Hero's eyes were carried by black bags under them, how he desperately wanted to just close his eyes and drift off to sleep, but he knew that wasn't possible while he was on the road. He frowned tiredly. If only cars could fly, he thought jokingly, smiling at his own comment.

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