The First Night

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Sunny and Kel had arrived back at the orange roofed house, it was now darker despite it being 7 pm. Kel knocked on the door as he forgot his keys, Hero opened the door, and the smell of hot mashed potato escaped the house. "Welcome back! Come in, yours truly has prepared a great dinner." Hero said smiling at the two, "I hope you like mashed potato, Sunny." Hero winked, hinting that the mashed potato was for dinner. Sunny looked to the side shyly and nodded slowly, not sure how to answer. Hero gave a thumbs up walked inside, the other two followed him. The charming boy walked up to his mother, who was also cooking. It seemed that they had cooked together while Hero and Kel's dad was working all night. Their mother turned around to look at Sunny, "Oh, Sunny you're here! We've missed you, it felt like it was just yesterday when you came to watch cartoons with Kel, it was so long ago the last time you had a sleepover here. I could squeeze you!" She smiled and put down a large wooden spoon she was using, walking up to Sunny and giving him a breathtaking hug, no, like, literally breathtaking-. Sunny looked at Kel uncomfortably as he was squeezed to death. (Almost.) Kel's mother then let go of Sunny and she chuckled, turning back around to continue what she was doing. "So, what do you wanna do first?!" Kel grinned, now looking at Sunny with extreme determination. "Nuh-uh uh! It's dinner time, young man." said smirking as if Kel were still 12.

"But M-"

"Cena primero, Kelsey."
[Dinner first, Kelsey.]

Kel sighed, "I guess we can do things later." He said quickly lighting up his spirits and leading Sunny to the dining table. Hero helped their mother set down the plates that now carried dollops of mash potato and gravy. The cutlery was already set neatly. "Enjoy!" Their mother exclaimed and sat down with her own plate. Kel dug in straight away, meanwhile, Hero was eating at a normal speed, just like his mother was. Sunny sat there uncomfortably, what was he going to do? He...couldn't eat this much...he stared at the plate sweating a bit in stress for a few minutes. "Hey Sunny? Are you going to eat?" Kel asked, looking concerned. "..I." Sunny struggled to get his words out, he scooted his seat up to Kel's, and whispered, hesitating a bit, ".I...have trouble getting things down.." Sunny looked worried, he had never told anyone that before. Only he and his mother had known. But he felt as if Kel would understand, and hoped he did. "Oh, well, please try to eat...for me? And if you can't, just let me know." Kel said, giving a small positive smile as he put his hand on top of Sunny's on the table. After a few seconds, the tall boy chuckled nervously, Sunny's hand was cold, but for some reason...that was comforting to him. Hero was watching them but had soon got back to concentrating on his own business. His mother had already finished her food, and she had gone up to her room already, probably to feed Sally. "...Okay.." Sunny said, he couldn't say no to that smile. He picked up his spoon and scooping up a piece of mashed potato, he tasted a little bit, it was actually very nice, better than having microwaved steak every night, It was better than not eating, but he wasn't sure if it would stay down for long, his stomach was so used to getting rid of the stake he ate. It was something he couldn't shake off even after leaving Faraway.

He had soon consumed half the mash potato, and his stomach started to feel funny and he started feeling dizzy. Meanwhile, Kel began putting the spoons and forks away and Hero began to do the washing up. They both had already finished eating. Kel looked back to see his raven haired friend, grimacing at the rest of the food he had left on the plate. "Sunny, are you okay?" Kel asked, his eyebrows raising. Sunny returned the gaze and he nodded hesitantly, "Oh, you don't have to eat it all." Kel said, smiling. Sunny let out a sigh of relief upon hearing this, and he got up from his seat, and going upstairs. Kel and Hero stayed in silence after that, the only thing you could hear was the sound of the cutlery being put into their rightful places and the sound of the hot tap running. After a few minutes, Kel put the spoons and forks down, "I'm going to check on him." He said and rushed up the stairs. Hero raised a brow as he watched Kel leave. Why was Kel acting like this? He loved organizing the spoons and forks...but he knew his friends were, of course, much more important than that, so he continued to scrub the plate he had in hand.

[Kel And Hero's Room]
Kel opened the door to find Sunny sleeping on his bed instead of sleeping on the one, he brought from home, a black sleeping bag that had many different cat designs on it. Kel sat next to Sunny on the bed. "Sunny?" He said, and Sunny bolted up and looked at Kel in shock. The brunette smiled, "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It's okay, you can stay here! I just wanted to check on you, I don't want you to feel so bad you won't be able to hang out tomorrow."

Sunny nodded, and Kel beamed, "Great! You get some rest!" Kel smiled, and he kicked his legs out of excitement, but then he thought for a bit. "Well, actually...since it's still early, why don't we read some Captain Spaceboy comics if you're up for it for old time's sake?" Kel suggested. "I still collect them, don't tell anyone, but I'm still invested in their stories."



[Kel and Hero's Room]

Hero had entered the room, completely worn out, he had rubbed his eyes to clear his vision and noticed Kel and Sunny sleeping on the familiar orange bed on the left side of the room, both of them side by side, Kel was hugging Sunny from behind, and the Captain Spaceboy comic they were reading was between them. Hero smiled tiredly, he didn't think anything of it, he was just in awe of how peaceful they were. He quickly changed and he flumped onto his bed, he was just too tired to get under the covers, what a long day.

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