The Water Fight

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About a week passed. And today, the gang would be going on trip they awaited for. Basil and Aubrey arrived together with bags of their needs and properties, while Sunny arrived a few minutes after them. Kel greeted everyone while Hero was dealing with the family van his Dad had bought a little less than a month ago, he was incredibly lucky he got to use it. "Hey Kel, it's good to see you again," Basil said with a friendly smile. "You too Basil!..And Aubrey." Kel joked. "Oh! And it's SoOo good to see you too, Kel." Aubrey teased back in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah yeah shut up." Kel waved off and Aubrey slapped his hand away and they both laughed. Sunny had come in and Kel picked him up and swung him around, then putting him back onto the ground. He was quite light. Sunny blinked a few times to steady his vision, the spin made him kind of dizzy. "Sunny you're here! Great! Now everyone is here we can begin." Kel exclaimed. Aubrey looked at him in confusion, "Begin what?-"

Kel grinned, "Follow me."

What was he doing?  Everyone followed him outside where he shut the door behind him and held something behind his back. 

"What are yo-" 

But before Aubrey could finish her sentence, she was cut off by Kel who threw a big water balloon directly at her face. Aubrey stood there in shock as water dripped down her pink hair and clothes. "You...YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" She screamed and burst open her water bottle right at Kel, causing him to be as soaked as she was. "Oh, it's on." He said, and threw more water balloons he had with the other one. The splashes were loud and Aubrey kicked a puddle that was left from the rain a few days ago. The two were having a water war and kept rushing for liquids to throw at each other. Sunny and Basil backed up as the two continued. It was just all shouting for a second. Sunny looked to his side and Basil had disappeared, but his question to wondering where the blond boy was, was answered when suddenly...

Aubrey and Kel were hit with a gust of water each.

. . .

They both silently turned around, seeing Basil, stood there with Kel's garden hose in hand.

"If you can play with water, so can a gardener. We always use hoses." Basil grinned.

Aubrey and Kel stared in shock, Basil? Joining in with one of their stupid games?! This was a miracle. "HELL YEAH," The two shouted in unison and began to throw water at Basil while he tried to avoid it by shooting them with hose water. Sunny stood there watching the whole front of Kel's house get completely soaked. Hero came back from behind the van to see the water war and Kel threw a water balloon at Hero's face on accident.

All was silent, again.

"Hero I-" Kel looked at Hero as he stood there soaked and still.

"H-Hero we're so sorry..." Basil hid the hose behind him, flinching at the feeling it was soaking his shirt from behind.


"It's all good,  adults get to have fun too, y'know." He flashed a charming smile and he went over to Kel's water balloon stash, throwing the water balloons at them. They all smiled and continued the war with Hero. Sunny watched from the doorstep, he smiled. This is what he wanted, his friends to be happy again.

Moments passed and the fight was still taking place, Kel had noticed Sunny was alone on the doorstep, Kel ran over to him in time before getting hit by another water balloon. "Hey Sunny. What are you doing here alone? Come join us." The tall boy panted, all the running and throwing really sucked the energy out of him, but Kel was tall, and gifted with long legs, so he wasn't as worn out as the others, Hero, who was taller than him, which meant he had longer legs than everyone else did, was the most worn out, Kel guessed it just had that effect on adults, but Hero always was one to run out of breath ina  short amount of time. Sunny looked up at the boy in front of him and spoke up, "No, I'm okay." He said. "Are you sure? Why don't you come and join me and be on my team! We'll completely destroy everyone!" Kel held out his free hand to help Sunny up, the other hand was trying to carry the load of water balloons. Sunny hesitated, he didn't really like getting wet, especially if it was freezing cold, but he'd teach everyone a lesson, after all, you only live once, Sunny thought. And he already waisted 4 years, why hesitate now? "Okay" he replied, nodding, and he took Kel's hand and stood up with a little wobble. Kel handed him some water balloons, "But I work alone." Sunny said, and Kel's smile faded slightly,



The shorter of the two had attacked Kel with the water balloons, but Kel didn't even feel offended, instead, he was pretend to be against Sunny's betrayal. Sunny let out a few shaky breaths as he tried not to laugh and Kel's shocked expression, Kel's eyes lit up, was Sunny almost laughing? If it meant he had to get attacked with water balloons just for Sunny to smile, it was worth it to him. "Hey!" Kel teased, and he chased Sunny around the drive way as the others continued to fight.

Little time passed before Kel and Hero's dad came walking onto the house's front holding a bag of groceries, he noticed the events and stood there, wide-eyed. As soon as he did, Hero had noticed him and froze, letting down his guard and allowing a water balloon to shoot right onto the side of his face, and he stood there in the same position in shock, unbothered about the balloon. Once the others noticed Hero had stopped, they all saw what Hero was looking at and where his dad stood. "What on EARTH is going on here?" He rose an eyebrow. "Dad, I can explain-" Kel and Hero said in unison. Kel cringed, he was hoping his dad wouldn't bring anything weird dads would mention. Specifically his dad. And tell him off in front of his friends, he didn't really like that either. But anyway, Hero spoke first, "We were having a water fight and we kind of got carried away, I should have known better." Hero sighed. "No! It's fine by me, as long as you don't smash my VALUABLE garden gnomes. And I'm just worried what your mother would think of the water bill-" His father chuckled. "Oh.." Kel realized the number of water balloons he had filled up. Now THAT was a problem. He didn't think of that.. "Don't worry champs, I'll try and cover for you." The man winked. Aubrey looked down and spoke up, "No, you really don't have to do that, sir." She said, feeling guilty. "No, it's fine. You guys look exhausted. Why don't you dry up and get some warm drinks? I know I'm gonna fetch my coffee." The man spoke again and he pushed the front door open with one hand and walked in. "Well- that went better than I expected." Hero stood there. "Yeah..." Kel scratched the back of his head, that was a close call.

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