At Your Door

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[FARAWAY: Hero and Kel's House.]

The car came to a halt, and Sunny heard the shuffling of his mother moving things and getting out of the car. The cold breeze hit Sunny's face as the door creaked open, and he shivered at the cold sensation. He got out through the passenger's seat and he walked over to the back of the car to help his mother get his suitcase out of the car's boot. Sunny dragged it out and he looked over at his mother.

"Thanks, Mom." 

"Anytime. I'll be back to pick you up on Saturday morning."

She cupped his face and she kissed his forehead, leaving him on the sidewalk and getting back into the car, she waved goodbye one last time and Sunny waved back, before the car started up and drove off once again.

Sunny was now left alone, infront of the familiar house, he took a deep breath and he slowly walked up to the door, knocking on it hesitantly.

Sunny waited patiently, the sound of muffled chattering and footsteps gets louder. The door opens and there stands Kel, gasping as he sees the shorter boy infront of him.

"Sunny, you're here! I've missed you so much, man!" He grinned and leaned in to give Sunny and tight hug.

Everything seemed normal, Kel was acting like himself, nothing seemed different, Sunny exhaled in relief. He didn't want Kel to treat him differently after he told the truth back at the hospital, he didn't want to ruin his friendship with him and everyone else.

Kel broke the hug and he clenched his fists, shaking them infront of him to express his excitement. "I hope you've been doing well! Everyone else has, but I kinda hurt myself while trying to bounce a stick on a trampoline to see how high it would go, not sure how, but it ended up cutting me." Kel pointed to plaster on his left cheek. Sunny hadn't noticed it, though it was so obvious.  "Anyways that doesn't matter- welcome back to Casa-de-KEL! And that's spanish for House-of-Kel." Kel nodded with the smile plastered to his face. A familiar, tall figure walked up from behind the brunette boy and looked down at him, It was Hero. "Uhm I don't think so little bro." He chuckled, shaking Kel's shoulders. Hero looked at Sunny standing at the doorway, "Ah, Sunny. I see you've arrived, how are you?"

Sunny hesitated, and then decided to stay quiet. Sunny was surprised Hero still treated him as he did before the hospital confession, he was worried about losing his big brother figure, but thankfully, Hero understood. But, he wasn't sure if Hero would ever actually forgive him. Sunny looked down nervously. "...It's good to see you again." Hero said, and he gave a small smile, leaning on the door frame beside Kel. The reason Hero wasn't as upset as he thought he'd be, was the fact he was happy that wasn't his fault Mari committed suicide, because she never did. It was all a lie. But what was digging through him, was the fact it was Sunny all along, but Hero didn't know, and he had to deal with such strong guilt and pressure that his girlfriend never spoke to him. That he didn't save her. So upon hearing the truth, Hero bursted into tears, but he didn't tell, no. He told Sunny it wasn't his fault, he tried to comfort everyone. He tried not to scream.  The strong urge to just pour his heart out, was kept away. But for Aubrey, it was different. She screamed, she was upset, she was mad Sunny took Mari away from them, from her. She went as far as trying to hit Sunny, but Kel held her back, and she turned into an emotional wreck. But even though after some time and thought, Aubrey forgave him, she realized that she let her anger take over her, and she never came to think about how everyone else felt, but it was a lot  harder for them to forgive Basil. Sunny still felt the sharp pain in his gut, the guilt could not get any worse, it was real and it was powerful, but now that he told the truth, he didn't have to keep it in anymore, and neither did Basil. Hero, being the oldest of the group, knew he had to be the mature one, Mari was the group's glue, but since she was gone, he had to take her place. Yes, he did love Mari, he treasured her, but that was no excuse for the friendship he shared with Sunny and the others. Sunny was like his little brother. After all, Hero knew Mari wouldn't of wanted Hero to hate Sunny, no matter what happened. Sunny was Mari's priority as her little brother.

Sunny nodded, and he shifted awkwardly. "Okay, that's enough chit chat. Let's hang out!" Kel interrupted. "Sorry, I promised Mom I would look after Sally for a bit." Hero said, looking disappointed. Kel pouted, but it quickly changed to a smile, "It's okay, me and Sunny can go find Aubrey! We'll catch up with you later!"

"Oh, alright then." Hero said smiling in return, and he turned to Sunny, "Oh, Sunny, let me take your things before you go." He said, grabbing Sunny's luggage and taking it inside.

"Thank you." Sunny replied.


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