The Night Sky

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(Hey guys, before I start this chapter, I just want to thank you guys once again for being here to read this story, this is my first fanfic, so of course, it isn't the best. But I'm trying my best to improve and I'm really happy about how far this story has gotten, because I know you've probably read better fics.  Thank you again and enjoy the chapter :D)

Basil rubbed his eyes, attempting to get rid of the drowsiness. He looked around, everyone was asleep.



It seemed Hero had parked the car somewhere, and disappeared, since the driver's seat he was previously sat in, was empty. But where were they? He crawled over to the window on his right and he looked outside, squinting his eyes from the sunlight that shot through the car window. It was already morning, it was bright, and the trees were a healthy dark green, full of life. There were a few camping items scattered around the grass. They were at the camping spot. Basil sat back down in his seat, nervously playing with his hair, the silence was unsettling. He darted his eyes around. And soon just decided to leave the car, he reached for the door handle and opened the door as slowly as he could, trying his best not to wake anyone up, once he opened the door far enough, he stumbled out of the car and shivered, it wasn't as warm as it looked. Where was Hero?  Basil looked around, the only sound was the shaking leaves of nearby trees. He walked over to the scattered items on the grass, and picked up an empty lantern, and on the back, had a nearly faded out name in neat handwriting, Basil squinted his eyes and jerked his head to one side, trying to read it.


So, this was Hero's lantern.

So this was the campsite? He had imagined it a lot more differently. So if they were at the campsite, where was Hero? Hero's stuff was here, so he must of gotten it out himself, well, that's what he thought.

Where could he have gone? Basil stared at the lantern in his hands.


What was that?

Basil turned his head to the distracting noise, and saw the bushes in front of him were moving, Basil took a step backwards, but tripped on a rock and stumbled back, falling onto the grass, he tried to get away, in fear of what it was.

But, fortunately, out came a bunny. Aubrey would of loved to see a bunny around the campsite, she loved them. Basil put a hand to his chest and let out a sigh of relief.

"H-how cute..hehe.." He smiled.

But as the bunny hopped away, a tall, dark figure emerged from behind the bush.

"AHHHHHHHHHH-" Basil screamed his lungs out, shielding his face and squeezing his eyes shut. He was praying for his life at this moment.


He didn't want to die, not right here, not right now.


He couldn't stop screaming.


But he did stop screaming, and he looked up with wide eyes.

"It's only me, calm down." Hero put his hand up in a defense pose, while his other hand helped his arm carry a portion of wooden sticks.

"Hero- I-" Basil scrambled to his feet, and brushed the dirt off of himself.

"Why are you screaming? Is everything okay?" Hero looked concerned, Basil was as white as a sheet. "What's all the fucking rackit?!" Aubrey yelled, trying to get out of the car, but instead, she bumped her head hard on the door frame. "Oh for fucks sake." She muttered under her breath and crawled back into the car. "I'm sorry- I thought you- nevermind." Basil stepped back so Hero could place the wood on the place marked for the campfire, and he flashed a charming smile. "We won't need this wood till later, but I thought it would be better to get it now so we don't have much hard work to do." He said, putting his hand on his hip, and wiping his forehead with the other. "R-right of course. I could of helped you though, I wouldn't mind." Basil gave a wobbly smile. "You were sleeping like everyone else was, and I'm the adult, the most responsible one, so I gotta get everything done y'know? It also wouldn't have been fair to you or the others, we had a long day yesterday." Hero smiled, Basil could see he was still tired from last night's drive. Basil fiddled with his hair again, "Hero, it wouldn't have been fair on you either. You need to rest too. You had a long drive last night, you practically got no sleep at all."

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