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Hello everyone, yes, it is me, the wonderful author of 'Can't Deny It'. After some careful thought and consideration, I am happy to announce that I will begin writing a sequel to this story!

When it will be done? I'm not sure, it will probably be a little while, but because some people asked for a sequel, I'm sure you wouldn't mind waiting, right? I'll try to be as quick as I can. And thank you all, so much, for getting this story to where it is right now. You're all amazing people, and I love reading your comments and thoughts on the story, it helps me improve my thoughts about the story when I know yours.

Information I plan for the sequel.

There will probably be a fair amount of angst, because I feel as if I didn't add enough in this first part. It would probably be longer than Can't Deny It, and yeah. It's going to be a rollercoaster I tell you, I'm really hyped for this, see you all very soon! <3


24th Oct 22 Edit - Man writing a sequel is hard. I'll be visiting Mari once I'm done with this, it's draining the life out of me. 💀

31st Oct 22 Edit / 00:58 - I have the strongest writer's block ever, I need more ideas. I'll come up with some at some point. (Happy Halloween.)


11 Nov 22 - Happy birthday Kel. <3

18 Nov 22 - #screaming
I literally just deleted so much work on accident I am so frustrated bro I can't rn. I am banging my head on the wall RSRRHHHHHHH. WHYY. (Nvm idc about it because I made up a better idea to replace it.)

6 Dec 22 - The fluff and angst I love it. AHAHAHA.

18 Dec 22 - MUNCHES ON IDEAS MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA (oh boy pls help)

20 Dec 22 - Began writing the prequel. YOU'RE GETTING TWO NEW STORIES NOW. AHAHAAAAAAA. (I might cancel this and just release the sequel idk)

25 Dec 22 - Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it and also a very happy second anniversary to OMORI! WHOO!!

9 Jan 23 - This is all sticking together perfectly,  I can't wait until I hit you guys with this sequel truck.

11 Jan 23 - Reminding you guys that ilysm and the sequel is going well, I hope I'm not taking too long.

25 Jan 23 - Doo doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo. (It's going just fine, thank you.)

3 Feb 23 - WOOHOO! Quick check in, the sequel is still going great. Hopefully it will be worth the wait! ♡

14 Feb 23 - Yes.

6 Apr 23 - Idk why I didn't update here in March I spent that entire month working on the sequel too but anyways it's almost Easter, I can't believe it has taken this long but the sequel is almost complete. 👍

27 Jun 23 - Sorry for not updating I've been busy with irl stuff BUT I have been working since October 22 to bring you the best sequel I can, just a few final touches, extras and rereads and it'll be ready. (Woohoo) I promise I won't leave the fic unfinished because I know the true PAIN when you read a fic and then expect a continuation of some sort and it's never finished, I won't do that not only because I refuse to let anyone down but because I want to finish it so 💪💪

28 Jun 23 - man things don't feel so great atm 😕

1 Jul 23 - Ay things will get better I suppose! Gotta bring this sequel to you guys!

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