Game Night

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(Hello! Before I start the chapter, tell me who your fav character is in the comments. It's just interesting to know. Anyway on with the chapter. Also there's some spanish here and there and it might be wrong because I'm using google translate so I apologize. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ)

The three had arrived at the house, and Kel fiddled through his pockets, searching for his keys.

Once he managed to open the door, he turned to the two boys behind him, "Aight come on in!" He smiled and opened the door wide for the two to enter. "MOM, I'VE GOT BASIL HERE TO VISIT." He called up the stairs, and his mother replied with something positive, but it was too muffled for Sunny and Basil to hear. "Alright, let's go!" Kel exclaimed and ran up the stairs, the two introverts followed. Once everyone had entered the room, it was silent for a moment. Hero was not here. "So what do you guys think we should do?" Kel asked, not being able to think of any ideas. "Uhm...ooh ooh! How about we make a pillow fort like we used to do, I really liked those." Basil suggested. "Oh yeah! Let's do that!" Kel agreed and ran out of the room to collect pillows from the couch. A rough pitter-patter sound began to get louder and louder, Sunny glanced up at the window, it was now raining. "Oh, lucky we got here quick...huh, Sunny?" Basil chuckled nervously, trying not to sound awkward. The tension was so thick you could cut in with a knife,  even though Sunny sort of forgave him for what happened on the night of the eye accident, the guilt was still there. He honestly didn't mean to hurt Sunny and hoped he would recover fast. Kel came back in with a bunch of fancy cushions from the couch, one with a red rose knitted onto it, and the rest had designs too. Kel dumped them onto the floor and started getting blankets for extras. The three began building.


Kel's mother enters the room.

"Kel, someones at the door, ¿te importaría conseguirlo mientras cambio a Sally?"
                                                          [Would you mind getting it while I change Sally?]

She asked, while holding an angry Sally in her arms. "Yes, mom," Kel replied and ran downstairs towards the door, and he opens it.


It was Aubrey.

The pink haired delinquent looked up at Kel with her varsity jacket over her head, her hair soaked and damp. "Kel...I'm sorry this is completely out of the blue but can I stay the night? It's okay if your parents don't want me too but I thought I'd at least ask because I left my keys inside my house and my mom is knocked out on the fucking usual. And...I'm locked out." She looked down. Kel felt guilty, "Why didn't Kim let you in?" He asked.

"She's not in, her house is empty, her family might be out." 

Aubrey was about to turn away in an idea that Kel was say no, but as she did, Kel replied, "Come in before you catch a cold."

Kel smiled and Aubrey turned around, and she smiled weakly, hopping in. "You don't have to let me stay..." She sighed. "Don't be silly. Stay here, and I'll be right back!" Kel said rushing upstairs once again. He went to his mother's room and looked at his mother concerned, "Mom, Aubrey's here. Can she stay? She's locked out of her house.." He frowned. His mother sighed, "Poor girl, she can stay for as long as she wants. That goes for your other friend too if he wants, on one condition." She replied, now providing Sally with a bottle of milk. "What is it?" Kel said scratching his head. "Don't make too much of a mess, Remember it's Hero's room too and you can't turn the entire place into a war zone." She looked at Kel. "Promise." Kel grinned, closing his mother's door but quickly opening it and peeking his head through again. "Thank you!" He said and closed the door for a final time to run back downstairs where a damp  Aubrey was waiting. "Quick follow me!" Kel smiled and ran up the stairs to his room. "Hey, guys..." Aubrey sniffed, her skin ice cold. "Ah, Aubrey. How...are you?" Basil said, smiling. Sunny did a little wave. "I'm good...I just got locked out and I had nowhere to go. So I guess I'm bunking with you guys tonight." Aubrey replied, and she turned to Kel, "We built a pillow fort!" He said pointing to the pillow fort. Aubrey looked over at it, grinning, "Sick."

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