Seeing Basil

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The duo waited patiently for Aubrey outside of her trashed house, when suddenly, they heard another familiar voice calling out to them.

It was none other than Hero.

"H-Hey guys..." The charming boy trailed off, catching his breath. "Uhm—I just wanted to say I could tag along with you guys on your walk, while I pop to Othermart..."

"Oh well now that you're here, the gang will finally be together again!" Kel jumped, with a wide smile across his tanned face.

"Huh? Wait what?"

"Oh yeah I also forgot to mention, we're waiting for Aubrey to come out so we can go and visit Basil!" Kel smiled, and Sunny nodded. "Sorry bro, I'd love too, but I did say I had to go to Othermart, Mom needs groceries." Hero replied, looking to the side. "Why didn't you just take the car?" Kel raised a brow. "No...I can walk. It saves money." Hero smiled. "I'll get going then, see you two later." He waved, and continued his way. "If Hero is getting groceries, there's bound to be something good for dinner!" Kel grinned excitedly. Soon, the bunny loving delinquent finally came out, she hurried to the other two, "Come on let's go, let's not waste time." she said, and the three walked down the pavement, each step was one closer to Basil.

[TIMESKIP: Basil's House]

The trio arrived at Basil's House. Plants of all sorts covered most of the area, it honestly looked like a wild florist by now, even though it hadn't been that long. But somehow, they looked more...fresh, and alive than they did before the hospital. Basil must of been taking and putting a lot more care and attention into his beloved plant friends after being discharged from the hospital. Kel sprinted up to the doorstep and gave a positive knock on the door. And waited.


There was some distant and muffled chatter, then footsteps.


A familiar blond boy opened the door.

"..O-Oh hey guys." Basil smiled. "I was only expecting Aubrey, b-but it's always great to see you guys!"

Aubrey shrugged,"Yeah, sorry about that. These guys came to knock for me and they agreed to come when I said I had to come and see you."

"No no its perfectly fine! Really." Basil assured. Kel smiled, "Yeah, anyways, wanna come out to hang with us? We're kinda just doing nothing but y'know." "..O-Oh...Uhm..wern't you gonna come in?" The flower boy asked, not really wanting to leave the safety of his home. "We could, but what's the fun of being inside? Enjoy the outdoors for once. Y'know, touch the grass!" Kel begged. Aubrey snickered, "Why does Basil, of all people,  need to touch grass? He's the most innocent and he's all about plants y'know? He's already been touching enough grass." She sarcastically joked.

"Not like that. Oh, shut up you knew what I meant!"

"O-okay, fine. But we're...all uh cool..right?" He looked to the side, flashbacks from the hospital, and the confession flooding in. "Of course! We'll always be your best buds!" Kel grinned. Aubrey looked to the side playfully, "I dunno about that-"

"AUBREY!" Kel's eyebrows furrowed. "Jeez dude I was joking." She said, patting her ear. Kel rolled his eyes and he turned back to Basil, "Anyways, welcome back to the party!" He said, patting the flower boy's shoulder. Basil gave a light smile once again, closing his eyes, putting a hand to his chest and sighing in relief.

[TIMESKIP - Faraway Streets]

"Hey guys, I think me and Sunny are gonna head back to mine's getting kind of dark." Kel said looking at the now darkening sky, everyone else did the same.
"W-Well, I guess it is getting late. I need to get home for dinner." Basil said, and Aubrey nodded. "I'm gonna go now, see you." She said, beginning to walk in the direction towards her house, but she paused, turning her head to look back at them. "....Take care," she said, giving a small smile and turning back around, continuing to walk down the pavement until she was unable to be seen. "Well, I guess that's my cue. Stay safe guys! Maybe I'll come and see you t-tomorrow?" Basil smiled. Kel grinned at him in return, "Yeah, sure!" He said, and Basil nodded, turning around to walk back to his house, Kel turned to Sunny and gave him a smile, and the two walked back to the tall boy's house.

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