I'm not a Poet

39 11 22

Specialists Hospital

Have you ever been to a hospital not because you were sick or because you wanted to see someone you know?
But solely because you wanted to have a glimpse of what life will look like if your health go on a leave?

If you never did, let me tell you how it feels. Once you set foot into the emergency ward, you have to switch off your feelings if you really want to have a look. Because there, you see blood oozing out, you see broken bones, swelled up body parts, sometimes you will see a belly cut apart giving you a glimpse of the inside. You will see ailments you never thought existed and then, your head will swirl around.

You will see people fighting for their lives, holding unto any string of hope they could lay their hand on. In those moments, they look up to the doctor as if he is a God, but he's not.

The docs, they keep playing tug of war against death with a life always in-between the line. Sometimes they win and they save a life, sometimes death wins leaving the doctors with nothing but "I am sorry" on their lips.

As sad as it is, they have no choice but to share the bad news.

You see, when you have to pay for every mole of oxygen you breathe, or maybe for every time your heart will beat, or maybe for every time you have to pee, when you live a life on bills only then you will realize how generous and merciful God truly is, when he gave you all for free.
Only in there you will get to understand the worth of your health and the value of life, there you will know, that the line between life and death is thinner than the width of your hair, it's just a breath away from life.

You see, some suffer physically, others suffer mentally and that, is the worst kind of pain, that which cannot be seen but only felt. The point is, health is wealth, be grateful for it, look out for yours without an ounce of shame.

There in one of the therapy sessions room was a group of people seated in circle of chairs, listening attentively to the girl reading from the pages of her diary. Silence reigned as she read because most of them could relate to what she was reading. This is it:

Hey, pardon me but I am not going to ask how you are,
We both know that you are far from being alright
That your heart is a museum of pain and scars.
That you are still sober, from the glasses of pain destiny offered you,
And You lost your way home, along with it the keys to your smile.

You See, It really hurts to lose a loved one
Especially, if all your aspirations of tomorrow rest within their smile.
And it hurts, when the memories come by,
Playing Adacadabra on your mind
Replacing reality with fictional whispers of the mind!
Almost sinking your faith in a sea of doubt.
Out of the blue reality always slaps you hard and it hurts!
It hurts, when every breath you take reminds you of them
It hurts, when your eyes stay glued to the door hoping that somehow they mysteriously come by, even though you know, that the dead never come back.
It hurts When you hear their voices calling out to you,
but they vanish into the thin air before you get a hold of their hand
It hurts, I know.

It hurts when people die
Especially without goodbye
But Hey, we were born to die
Not to stay alive.
So Hold back not the pain that plague your heart,
Cry until your tears learn to smile,
For to heal is to cry.
And you don't need a long sermon on patience, All you need is prayers and time...
And a little reminder that the Lord above is the most merciful and the most generous host,
His rewards are bountiful and everlasting.
So, do not be sad when next he calls upon your loved one.

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