Chapter 2 - Hopeful Creation

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24. September 2061 17:24

For 3 days Mikel collected enough parts to create his doll's chest and arms. All parts, that he used are from "Hope" or from dolls, that patrolled this sector. Most of them are in good condition, but he knew, that those parts aren't as good, as he would like them to be. 

Right now he ended installing some sensors in doll's arm. As Mikel made that he went to nearby table to drink rest of his coffee. 

"So maybe tomorrow I will start her neural cloud. Let me see, if pain blocking function works properly." As he said that he put his cup on table, grabbed his Grot and left grotto.

4 minutes later

His normal, monotonous afternoon patrol started to be a little bit exciting, when he saw a group of SF dolls. Mikel quickly hid behind nearest tree. He took closer look at them by binoculars.

"3 Reapers, one Striker and one Jaeger, it will be hard" with a downcast expression he said for himself. After that he started to looking around and plan strategy to destroy them - those 5 could discover his base, if they would come too close, in other hand Mikel's position isn't discovered right now, so he can think what should he do. 

In his head was two options - first one is letting them come closer to his base and kill them at his own territory, but with very high risk - them can send coordinates of his base to SF base if Mikel wouldn't be fast enough. Other option was attacking them at the nearest opportunity, when he will have strategic advantage. This option is much harder, because Mikel wouldn't know how exactly terrain looks like, but SF dolls could, because Sangvis base before sending a patrol squad sends its members very accurate map of patrolled sector. Even if Mikel lives here for 4 months he still don't remember this part of forest clearly enough.

After a moment he decided to attack at nearest opportunity - as long, as his base is undiscovered he can survive, so he need to limit chances of finding that grotto. 

SF dolls still didn't knew about Mikel's presence. He was trying to come as close, as he could, while being undetected.

In less than one minute he was just 60 meters away of his enemies and they stopped to check something in the middle of road. That was his chance to kill them.



From behind the tree he started to shooting short series of bullets, killing Jaeger and one of Reapers. Sangvis dolls quickly located direction where bullets came from and hid behind of fallen comrades or in holes made by bombs. After that them fired back at Mikel, but they still didn't knew where exactly he is.

When Striker's fire started to come closer to him, Mikel hid behind his tree and reloaded his weapon. He knew, that they don't know his exact location, because then all three would shoot in exact point, but every doll was shooting in other locations. That was his turn to move.

POV change

After shooting in that one direction for 5 seconds Sangvis dolls stopped their fire.

"Hey you, come out! Don't hide in this forest you filthy human!" yelled Striker

Right after Striker ended her quote one of Rippers saw smoke. 

"He's trying to escape by using smokescreen!" she reported to others

"I won't let him do this!" and Striker started to blindly fire in the smoke

"Come on, come on! Die you fucki-" then Striker got shot in her head.

"It's trap, we need to retre-" one of Rippers couldn't end her order, because of grenade explosion.

POV change, rewind

Right after reload Mikel threw one smoke grenade as decoy for SF dolls fire. Then he climbed to tree and switched Grot's fire mode to single fire. Then he saw Striker shooting in the smoke and Rippers preparing to doing same thing. After quick aiming he fired one bullet, that hit Striker right into her head. Then he saw, that one of Rippers isn't covered. Mikel had a grenade in his hand, so he threw it right behind the Ripper destroying her.

"Is in the war a rule, that you can't shoot before enemy will stop talking?" This one quote showed in his head and made him smirk.

Third Ripper stayed inside of a hole and tree's leaves covered up Mikel's vision. He jumped off and run towards Ripper using trees as covers. When he was just 10 meters away he hid behind a tree. Ripper saw where Mikel hid and started making cover fire, but it didn't last long, because of ammunition. Ripper covered her head in a hole and started reloading, but then she saw a grenade thrown by Mikel.



Explosion of grenade ended this dangerous fight leaving Mikel alive without any scratch.

"Ehh I thought, that they would make me any challenge." said Mikel after a big sigh.


It was 21:38, when Mikel came back from his patrol. He left his riffle in part of grotto, that he named armory and went straight to his doll's stand. After quick look on hers incomplete body he decided to start her neural cloud. 

"So this is test of my abilities in mechanics and programming." this thought ran through his mind. 

After 2 minutes everything was ready.

"If there is a god, please, I'm praying to you, let it work" 

With that said he clicked "ON" button on his laptop.

Program began to boot and Mikel typed some start commands.

After a while doll's body moved a little and on laptop's screen a "FMOS started successfully" message was displayed. Mikel in disbelief checked status of doll in laptop. There he saw, that first configuration process is in progress.

In 20 seconds it was ended and a wave of notifications flooded his screen. After accepting most of "missing parts" notifications, he saw one about memory classification and second about initialize of adapting installed components to FMOS standard. 

Again after minute of programming he looked at the doll's face.

She slowly started to waking up from her long dream.

"Holy shit my program is working!" was only thing, that Mikel had in his mind while staring at her face with his jaw dropped. 

After 5 seconds she looked at Mikel and then a moment of silence fell between those two.

She with a lot of questions in her mind and he with disbelief and joy, that paralyzed him.

**********Author's Note**********

Hello everyone!

First thing - GOD THANKS FOR MY LESSON PLAN! With this I want to say, that there will probably be 2 or more chapters per week. I'm more than happy to say that to you. Ok, stop this kiddo talk, let's talk about concretes - this chapter can be a little bit chaotic and messy, so I'm really sorry about that. I just couldn't find good way to write this chapter, so it ended like that. Despite this I hope, that this chapter will be at least legible for you to read. 

That's all from me, goodbye!

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