Chapter 9 - Rescue of the Dead

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09. October 2061 01:10, UMP 45 POV

We were walking for over 6 hours, but still we have about 3 kilometers to Mikel's base. Pain, that I have to endure is too big. 

"M4, please, leave me here. If you would still drag me with you, you also won't survive."

She tried her best, but I saw, that every step, that she made left tremendous pain. 

"I won't leave you. There is about 2 kilometers to his base!" she answered while taking another step and trying to cover her pain in voice

I can't argue right now. Even if I knew, that she said wrong distance for reassuring me, I knew how much we need to go. 

My head was aching like it had million of needles inside of it, broken leg gave me pain every time it moved, even a little, same as broken torso. I knew, that she is in pain, like me. Her step on left leg was quicker with every minute and break after taking step was longer, than before. She was holding our backpacks, because I weren't able to keep it on my back. 

But M4A1 still tries to go on with me. I'm mentally broken, gave up and just want to die here, while she have more courage and confidence, than before. Why I can't stand up and have some faith in both of us? Before we got new commander she was the one, that needed assurance and I was that one, that had high self-confidence. Looks like she is stronger, than me. But still, I can't give up. At least, she is my rival. 

I stood on my right leg. When M4 saw that she said:

"What are you doing? You will die because of exhaustion, if you will try to walk!"

"That doesn't matter!" I screamed. She looked at me with slightly happier face. 

"We need to go, I rested long enough." 

She was still looking at my face. I looked straight into her eyes.

"You promised me to drink hot tea with you and our siblings, right?" then I gave her small, confident smile, even if it hurt as fuck.

"You are right, let's go." she answered with same smile and we started to move onward slightly faster, than before.

POV change, timeskip

It was 6:34, when Mikel woke up. His head was aching and he wanted to drink bucket of water.

"Shit. How could I be so weak in drinking alcohol just after one month of abstinence?"

He scratched his head then saw Phoebys with glass of water.

"You drank something like one liter of alcohol. How the hell this amount is small?"

Mikel took water and drank it with one go. Then he stood up from his bed.

"Where is Eora?"

"She went to forest, looking for some mushrooms." she answered after giving him a sigh. He ignored her question.

Mikel quickly dressed up and told:

"Now I'm not able to think good enough, so your training needs to wait to afternoon."

Phoebys gave him sigh of relief as answer, when Eora walked in.

"Oh, good morning Mikel"

"Yeah, morning. Did you found some mushrooms?" he asked after yawning a bit

"No, there weren't any of them."

"Probably there is too cold in night for them to grow." he summed her lack of findings

"Ok, now you can do what you want, to 10:00 I shouldn't be able to work."

"Then, can you let me train a little?" asked Phoebys, that thought about it since Eora came in

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