Chapter 28 - The End of The Beginning

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2. November 2061 8:38, 5 kilometers away from Sangvis Ferri main base

"Mikel, we can't get through them in vehicles." said STAR

"I know, but we can't come even a bit closer?" he asked as answer

It was miracle, that they weren't spotted to that moment - enemy guards were lurking around so tightly, that they moved only one kilometer in last hour. Mikel understood, that they have to leave their cars in no time, but he wanted to do it closer to base.

"There is no way. They will see us and our surprise effect will disappear."added STAR

Mikel looked through his binoculars once again and after leaving big sigh he ordered to take every ammunition, explosives and medicaments, that can be useful and leave vehicles. After 20 seconds everyone was outside, with their backpacks fulfilled with listed things.

"Alright, let's go on." said Mikel, making others nod as answer

Their 5 kilometers road to main base was fulfilled in sneaking, quiet elimination of more dangerous enemies or crawling in cold mud. After 20 minutes they moved only 2 kilometers into enemy base's terrain.

Then one of Sangvis dolls saw NTW, crawling behind a wall. When she wanted to shout, Mikel quickly threw his knife at her. It didn't killed her, but didn't let her inform others about their presence. When Ghost saw that, he quickly ran towards Ripper and bit her at neck, destroying  part of movement module and breaking connection between her head and rest of body.

Mikel quickly moved towards Ghost and after taking his knife back, he stabbed Ripper's head, destroying her. 

"You need to be more aware, NTW." Mikel said under is voice

"Sorry." she answered flustered by this remark

After that stressful incident, everyone moved on. With every moment Mikel had impression, that Sangvis forces began to be looser, closer to base. After 40 minutes, everyone reached main base's fence. Mikel, Alex, M16 and G11 began to cut fence mash. After about two minutes, four holes were created and everyone got inside.

Mikel gestured for every team to seek for entrances to base, while his team moved towards doors leading to basement. Everyone had their earpiece on, so Mikel quietly said:

"When you will find entrance for you, report it and wait a bit. We will go inside synchronously."

Silence meant understanding, so Mikel just corrected his grip at MSBS and waited for others.

After about minute every team leaders began to report about their ways to enter the base. When Mikel made sure, that everyone is ready, he started countdown. When he ended every team moved into the base. Luckily there weren't any need to shoot enemies right after getting into the building, so their surprise effect wasn't destroyed yet.

White Eagles slowly began to check every room at their sight. Suddenly, alarm siren began to howl loudly, alerting every SF doll in base.

"Move on! They know that we are here, so just rush towards Elisa's room!"

After hearing Mikel's order every team started running towards room named as "Elisa's room". This room was main communication room, that was at ground floor.

When Phoebys turned around one of corners, heavy firing of Rippers, Jaegers and Strikers began to hit her shield. Everyone started firing back and in killing Sangvis' units helped fact, that they stood at the middle of corridor. In other hand there was big problem - enemy reinforcements were coming too fast. 

After killing big amount of dolls, Mikel shout:

"Eora, throw grenade in front of them! We need to use their bodies as barricade!"

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