Chapter 5 - Eora's Feelings

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28. September 17:43

Mikel was building Eora's body whole day, since G&K dolls left the grotto. After those eight hours of working he was at finish with sticking and installing her skin on stomach. He was a little bit surprised, that he couldn't end working till 16:00. 

Mikel planned to set parts with same order as normal t-doll, but he changed his mind, when he saw, that most of important parts would be just under her skin. He had to change arrangement of parts and it took him over hour just to plan it. At least he made her sensitive parts harder to hit. 

As he ended sticking last part of her skin he stood up and looked at Eora with smug face.

"Is it done?" 

"Not completely, but right now every part is there, where should be."

When Eora heard that she looked at her body. She was happy, that her legs and arms are now fully built. 

"So what's next?"

"Now I need to check if every part was properly connected. If it will be ok, then you need to restart FMOS and make every update, that is needed. After it we can say, that your body is completed." answered Mikel

As he was saying that, he took leftovers from his lunch and ate them after he ended his explanation. 

"So what are you waiting for? Check those parts!" she said with big enthusiasm

"Whoa, whoa, hold on a sec, I need to eat something, I'm hungry" Mikel quickly cooled her enthusiasm

"Fine..." she answered teasingly and started to pout

"Holy shit, how can she be that cute?" 

That was what Mikel thought, when he saw her pouting, then hurried up with eating.

After a minute he ended with his meal and started to checking if everything is alright with Eora's parts. He came to his laptop, restarted the control program of FMOS and started analyze. It took a lot of time, exactly 2 hours. In meantime they had conversation about G&K dolls.

"You know Mikel, when you brought those Griffin dolls here I was thinking if you want them to kill me. I started me think if you thought of me as a failure and wanted to get rid of me." she said with sad voice

"Idiot, why would I think of you as a failure?" Answered Mikel with soft tone

"Because if you would have one of them you wouldn't need me. I thought, that you used FMOS as virus and applied it to every one of them." she said on the verge of crying

Mikel came closer and embraced her. Eora was surprised a little by that, until Mikel said.

"Why would I do that? I'm honorable man, I wouldn't do anything like that to you. You are too precious for me."

That answer made her tears drop from eyes.

"T-thanks for that." she answered.

"By the way, how did you made so good relations with M4A1? She was the one, that didn't trust you even a little."

"We just started to talk with each other and surprisingly we got along very well. She is very kind, mature and honorable. How wouldn't I like her?" she answered with smile

Mikel got surprised a little, because that remind him about his team. He and Vladimir was seen by others as two most inaccessible people in "Hope". Vlad didn't had much friends, so do Mikel and they heard much of bad things about each other, but they got along very well and those two were best friends at the end.

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