Chapter 3 - First Impression

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Moment of silence, that fell between Mikel and his T-doll, has been stopped by the girl's question.

"W-who are you?"

Mikel was shocked how nice voice she have, her voice was calm and serious, but very pleasant to listen to. After a second his thought just screamed in his head.

"I did it" He said with low voice


"I DID IT!" 

His enthusiasm just blown in his scream. The doll shook her body out from fear, but after seeing Mikel walking around a room she relaxed herself a bit. Mikel in other hand was overjoyed. FMOS worked successfully, so he knew, that his five and half years of hard work has been awarded. After a moment girl lost her patience and screamed at him:

"Hey, are you listening to me?!"

"Oh, sorry, I'm just so happy to see, that my work wasn't on vain"

After a while of calming himself down Mikel started with his introduction.

"I'm Mikel Nowacki, I'm former soldier in a special ops called GROM and a T-doll researcher. What's your name?"

"Why the hell should I tell you my name huh?!"

"You know, culture says, that you should tell your name, when someone will introduce himself." 

Mikel scratched his head, but girl just looked away.

"Culture says, that you should answer questions, that are addressed to you"

After saying that she smiled slightly and made smug face. Mikel sighed admiring defeat and said.

"Right, sorry about that"

The doll looked at him with slightly surprised expression, but quickly returned to her normal expression.

"So now tell me why I'm in this condition and why I can't contact any other ringleaders?"

After a bit of hesitation Mikel answered her telling her truth.

"You were attacking "Hope" fortress, but you got killed by my team. After about 4 weeks I decided to retrieve your memory module, upgrade it and install in this unfinished body. Answer for your second question is banal easy, you aren't working on OGAS protocol."

After hearing that girl gave him shocked face.

"What do you mean by that last part?"

"Right now you are working on my original program called FMOS. It's much better, than OGAZ, but that's long story." Mikel said with his tired voice and turned his gaze at coffee cup on the table.

"I want to know that story" 

Mikel turned his eyes back at her. She made determined and interested face. Mikel couldn't resist her.

"Ehhh fine, let me grab my coffee and I will tell you more about that"

She nods as agreement, he took his coffee and chair and sat down closer to her. Then he started to describe what FMOS is. (A/N Mikel said everything, that is in Chapter 0.5)

After 5 minutes...

"... and that's all, that I can tell you right now. In future I will upgrade this program, because then I will probably have more ideas about improvements, than now."

After saying that Mikel stood up and went to table to refill his cup with coffee. The doll was surprised hearing about this program. She needed to organize her thoughts. After Mikel drank his coffee she said:

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