Explanation - FMOS (Chapter 0.5)

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Free Mind Operating System (FMOS) - program fully created by Mikel, that is installed in exchange of Zener protocol or OGAS protocol, but gives more functions, than both of them. It uses better communication technology, than Zener and OGAS, because it can't be detected by most of T-dolls and radars. It can be installed as normal protocol, as similar to virus program or as short version to separate components. Additionally it gives:

- better computing power (doll with FMOS thinks faster, than other dolls [about 150% faster])

- better divisibility of attention (G&K T-dolls have a little bit better divisibility of attention as humans, SF T-dolls have that significantly better, than humans, T-dolls with FMOS have significantly better divisibility, than SF T-dolls)

- uses installed components better, than other dolls (Zener and OGAS don't use everything, that components gives to dolls, FMOS can adjust them by regulation their parameters, requirement - components must be compatible with FMOS)

- can stop using pain receptors (it's very risky in combat, but very usable in repairs, upgrades etc.)

- let dolls survive on their own (G&K dolls needs human commander to use their maximum, SF dolls needs ringleaders to work efficiently, FMOS dolls can survive on their own without any commands from others, humans or command dolls)

- automatic classification of memories based on emotions related to every memories (more important memory is fully stored, when less important are compressed to use less space, importance of memories is classified by emotions, that doll have with them, this makes more space for memories, than in G&K and SF dolls, whose needs to clean their memories every once in a while)

- copies of memory are easier to store and are stored not only in neural cloud (copy of their memories can be compressed to use 5x - 10x times less space, than normal memory, and can be stored in external memory or in components memory, if components have enough space for this)


- uses lots of memory to install (8x times more, than Zener protocol and 6x times more than OGAS)

- if isn't compatible with every part of doll, uses only 70% of its power (some parameters are still better, than in SF and G&K dolls, but most of them are worse)

- can't install programs, that trains their skills (notice - skills doesn't include instructions or knowledge about something, it means only programs, that instantly improving their abilities) (f.e. doll with FMOS can't be commander just because program, it needs to have experience with commanding, or had co%#*%&^$!#$&^%*#&$*% (A/N error, spoiler has been detected).


Free Mind Operating System CAN be better, than Zener and OGAS protocol, but it's very risky to install it in SF or G&K dolls memory. It's much safer to install it in unprogrammed doll or doll, that isn't fully cr&%$#^(A/N error, spoiler has been detected).

Mikel ended his description of FMOS with a big sigh, afterwards he added it in FMOS description content. 

"Finally done!" With big smile he saved his progress and went to his makeshift cooker. After 3 minutes he sat on chair, that stands in front of his base's entrance. 

"Who expected, that I would end this in less, than 4 weeks?" That was what he thought about, when staring at the starry night sky. 

That was the 20 September 2061, 22:48, the time, when his brilliant idea started to being something more, than just plan or distant dream. It started to being real thing: a program, that can work.

**********Author's note**********

Hello everyone!

So this part is just description of FMOS, but i couldn't write this. I had two thoughts about how should I give you information about this: one was giving chapter with description (as it looks, I chose this one) or giving information about that, when next events would use that description. I chose first one, because I'm not sure how long would it take to give those information to you in second option. I wanted to give you full description right now, because I don't have to make such big timeskip in next chapter, where it wouldn't fit in compared to content of chapter.

Sorry for long note, hope you will have good day. 

To the next time!

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