Chapter 8 - "Black Market"

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9. October 2061 6:17

Mikel, Eora and Phoebys are now sitting together and eating their breakfast. In Mikel's mind was Phoebys's words.

Yesterday, 17:10

"Before you will do memory classification can I ask you about something?" he asked her, while plugging some cables.

"Sure, what do you wanna know?"

"When I and Eora found your team, we saw, that you were severely damaged. Can you tell me why?"

She silenced for moment and answered:

"2 days ago I were about 40 kilometers on north. I, Unbreakable and Sniper were on mission to conquer sector J08. It went smoothly, we conquered it without major problems. But when I wanted to retreat to base, Unbreakable's subordinates started to fire at my and Sniper's teams. Part of my regiment got hacked and didn't move, probably because of Unbreakable. Me and Sniper attacked her, but we couldn't do anything to her - we didn't had enough AP ammo to kill her. Moreover our subordinates started to attack us too. We had to escape from there. Sniper went on west, to our HQ with Unbreakable on her back and I went south in hope of luring as much of her units, as possible. In end I managed to escape after 2 days of fighting, but I was on middle of nowhere. When I set our route to the nearest outpost, we got attacked by you, rest you know by yourself."

Back to present

"Looks like something big is going to happen in nearest future"

That's what he thought.

"Mikel, are you ok?" asked Eora with worried expression

"Yes, just thinking about something."

"What is it?" asked Phoebys while eating some crackers. 

"I think, that today, after maintaining Phoebys, we should go to 'Black Market'."

"Right! We wanted to go there yesterday, but we couldn't because of Phoebys, right?"

"S-sorry, that I messed your date. haha" Phoebys said with a bit of confusion in her voice

"We weren't on date!" Eora and Mikel answered in unison

"Yeah, I will SURELY accept that answer. Now let's go to that maintenance."

She said that with smile and went to a research part of grotto. Eora was red because of frustration, but Mikel just sighed and followed Phoebys to that "room". Then they started maintenance.

"Height... 178 cm? Just 6 centimeters less, than me..." Mikel said with worried voice and Phoebys just gave him confused look. "Weight 63 kg" 

After checking status of her parts, he connected her to training program. He had to inspect them, because hers memory module wasn't extracted to body in base. Mikel just repaired her body and didn't do anything with the second "empty" body.

Her skills were worse, than Eora's. In close combat she was unbeatable even for 15 enemies, but she wasn't very good at shooting compared to Eora. Mikel installed fighting manuals in her memory, but still that wasn't enough to make her as good, as Eora. Still, she had extremely good condition, had very big strength and had very good observation and camouflage skills. In last part of training - "simulated battle" she lost after taking down 40 out of 80 enemies. 

Mikel observed hers moves and tactics on laptop and his conclusion was:

"She is very skilled at tactical planning, know how to increase her chances of surviving and uses enemies weak points to hers advantage. In fact she is very skilled in her own way."

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