Chapter 12 - When the Storm Gone

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13. October 2061 7:03, Griffin base at sector J13

Mikel, M4A1 and UMP left the bathroom calmer. Eora and Phoebys still were in shock after seeing their sadistic sides.

"Eora, are you alright?" asked worried Mikel

"Yes. You are alright, I'm alright, we all are alright." she said with death voice

When Mikel heard that he slapped her, making others confused and shocked at this scene.

"Ouch, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" she asked furiously

"You were spacing out. I took you back to reality. I don't see anything unclear here." he said with proud face

Eora sighed at that, while massaging sore cheek

"Still you should be more delicate..."

"Sorry. I need you to take care about peoples in base. Some of them probably surrendered or didn't fought with us, so you need to capture them." said Mikel

"Understood..." she answered with lazy voice, still feeling pain from Mikel's slap

"Take some T-dolls with you, they will help you with problem of treating them."

Eora nodded lazily and turned around. There were about 8 T-dolls, that looked at her with disbelief.

"Are they couple?" murmured one of them, then they saw Eora's angry spirit

"Who the hell said that?" she asked with angry tone

T-dolls scared a little, but didn't said anything.

"No one? Then never ever say that again in front of me." they quickly nodded as agreement for her words

"Come with me then." Eora said a bit calmer and T-dolls followed her.

UMP, M4A1, Phoebys and Mikel looked at those dolls with worry in their eyes.

"Will they be ok?" asked UMP

"P-probably" answered uncertain Mikel

"Commander Mikel!" said M38, that stood behind them. They quickly turned their gazes to her.

"I'm not a commander here. Till the sunset we will be away from this base." he answered making her sad a bit. "What do you need now?" he added after a while

"I have information about AR team and 404 team members."

"Then tell us, what you know." said M4 and grabbed her by her arms

"R-right. M16A1 and RO635 were in the dorms. M4 SOPMOD is in the underground cell, because she tried to hurt commander 2 days ago. RO and M16 went to free her. ST AR-15 is missing, but her signal coming from this base." she quickly reported. M4 looked down with worried face, while M38 continued: "UMP 9 is locked, same reason as SOPMOD, but 416 and G11 went there to help her get out."

UMP hissed, but asked:

"Wait, what do you mean, that STAR is missing in base?"

"We know, that she is somewhere in main building, but our scanners aren't good enough to let us know her exact location."

"Then we need to find her." summed up M4A1

"Probably no need for this." said Mikel, doing something at his tablet

"What do you mean?" asked M4

Then she saw, that she got message in FMOS overlay. She opened it and saw way to place, where STAR is.

"How did you do that?!" she asked with disbelief

"Easy for hacking expert like me." said Mikel with smug voice, while walking by her

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