List of denied ideas (part 2)

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Next part of denied ideas. Such lot of them, don't you think?

- Chapter 13 - Tactical Retreat - wanted to leave base to 404 and let only AR team go with Mikel, but plan changed when in Chapter 11 I made decision to add 404 team to contract. That was probably first time, when I limited myself while writing this story.

- Chapter 14 - STAR's Revival - I wanted to add Mikel's family story at end of this chapter, but changed my mind, when saw length of chapter after adding it. In other hand you have special chapter, so it should be good.

- Chapter 15 - Disturbing News - as I wrote at that chapter I wanted to connect chapter 16 to it and make it as one chapter, but before that I wanted to make Sangvis's attack later - to be more precise next day. Then this chapter would be just chapter about Mikel's team's preparations, but it didn't worked out, because I couldn't explain logically why they knew about that attack (of course I could let it be obvious, that their trip back to base took attention of SF ringleaders, but still Mikel wouldn't know when exactly they will attack).

- Chapter 16 - Angel's Protection - and from what should I start? First of all I wanted to name this chapter in other way (something like STAR's Awakening), but it would be too obvious to guess why I picked this title and it won't say anything about plot, because that would be obvious after reading like 8 sentences (I like to name chapters in that way, that they are saying something about later threads in them). After a while I decided to name it just like STAR's new skill, but then I had problem - how should I name it? At last I decided about this one, because others were just like some child with syndrome of a junior high school student (yes, I mean chūnibyō) would name it. Next I had problems with ending of this chapter. I had about 3 ideas, but lastly decided about something like romantic scene, but not totally. Yeah, it isn't too much romantic, but I didn't want to make additional 800 words of ending and it looked more realistic, than other versions - you know, I tried to create Mikel as a bit of hard worker, while STAR is created as rather calm doll, so I think, that it's how they would react. Third option, that I thought about was  irrational in my opinion - they would just go to work without any tenderness and then chapter would end, without confession.

- Special Chapter II (16.5) - STAR's Love - I had so much ideas, that if I would write them all, they would be used as CV in English, so I will just let you know about some of them (it's not just because I forgot some of them, no, no, no): first I wanted to get straight to the point (I mean STAR's story), but then it would look like interrogation, so I decided to add a bit of context to that story, moreover leaving it at it first concept didn't looked well for me (I really like to give at least a bit of story around anything, that I write, so I didn't hesitated too long, when got idea about talk with someone about that). Next thing was decision about with who should she talk. First thought was Eora, but second one was UMP. In that second version, they would increase their bond between them, because I tried to visualize STAR seeing 404 as rivals even after their journey to new base. Denied because they still don't have their bond strong enough. Another idea was making STAR's story in narrator's POV, but changed my mind, when I saw, that about 80% of story would be presented from STAR's POV. And example from end of story, because I don't want to write too long notes about denied ideas - I decided to add that situation with Mikel in last moment. I just wanted to save that chapter and go eat something, but I got idea about that ending. I wrote it quickly, because it wasn't too different (seriously, same happenings, with exception of talk with Mikel) and thought, that it fits better in there.

- Chapter 21 - Eora's Burden - this time I had 4 ideas, but my choice was crucial to next happenings. First one was denied, because it would artificially extend this book (I don't think, that my inspiration will last for next 20 chapters). Second one is option, that I chose. Third option was changing  happenings in the chapter - Gager would commit suicide and then chapter would end with preparations to mission. Last idea was timeskipping about 2 weeks and then they would make their attack (yes, I wanted to make attack on Sangvis Ferri much later). Logic make me deny 1st and 4th idea and my taste denied 3rd idea.

- Chapter 22 - Vow Under Starry Sky - I had trouble with naming this chapter. Every idea, that I had was just too shallow, so I couldn't thought about anything good. In fact content of this chapter is so differential, that it's hard to pick title, that is good for that chapter. Finally I decided on this sudden idea, because title vow is main point of this chapter. But there was one more thing, that I wanted to do. I had idea to let everyone know about Eora's and Phoebys' past as ringleaders, but I couldn't make it logical, nor good to read, so denied this idea.

- Chapter 24 - Evolving Bonds - in this chapter ending would be different. In my first conception I wanted to write Eora's past as she would be human, without any family bindings with other characters, but when I wanted to start writing that part i got brilliant idea - let it be some "lucky coincidence" in here. Maybe it's cliched, but I think, that it went kinda nice. At least I will be able to write special chapter about her past (in first idea there wouldn't be enough materials for this) and have some new ideas based on this concept.

Again lot of ways got denied, but I think, that my way was good (or at least satisfying). This story will end in about 4-5 chapters, because I'm starting to run out of ideas. Still I have rather good ideas about ending, so right now I need to think which one should I choose.

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