Chapter 16 - Angel's Protection

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14. September 2061, 19:43, ST AR-15's POV

When I saw my sister choked by that ringleader, I wanted to kill her, but fear took control over my body, I couldn't move. Even if I would shoot this Sangvis's bastard, she would shoot my sis, so she would be hurt even with my interruption. Even Mikel isn't good enough to stop her before she will execute M4.

When I was thinking about what to do, sister said:

"Avenge me, little sis..."

Even if she wouldn't die, she would be in very bad condition. Mikel will probably save her. With difficulties, but still, he would save her. But I promised to myself, that I will never get her hurt anymore.

Then I felt, that all my fear left me and I could move again. I ran towards that ringleader, but I was too fast in comparison to my previous running. In blink of eye I was near that ringleader, making her surprised. I was surprised as well, but I was thinking only about freeing M4, so i punched ringleader in stomach with all my might.

That punch made her leave sis from her strangle. Ringleader hit wall with her back, wrecking her modules. Even if it surprised me a lot, I didn't had enough time for thinking about that, ringleader was still alive! I quickly took my weapon and shoot all magazine straight at her head.

This was next thing, that surprised me - I controlled recoil so good, that most of bullets got through one point in her head. I weren't able to control my weapon such well , when I was in G&K, neither when Mikel installed FMOS in my memory. 

Bullets were always at least centimeters away from where I was aiming at first, but right now they were perfectly at one point of her head.

When I stopped shooting, blood started to flow out of the hole in ringleader's head. After seeing that I turned around and saw Mikel and M4 staring at me with disbelief.

POV change

"W-why are you staring at me like that?" STAR asked with embarrassment

"You... You have wings..." answered M4

Then STAR looked behind her and saw, that in fact she has wings. They were light effects from her back. At her back parts ripped her cloth and synthetic skin, but she didn't felt pain. Some of parts were outside of her body and they were making that wings light effect.

"Now we don't have time for that, others are in trouble." she said after a while and started to running out from grotto.

Mikel did same thing, when M4 pushed him slightly toward entrance. She stayed at grotto and tried to help M16A1 and 416.

When STAR ran out from cave, she took her knife and quickly stabbed ringleader, that was fighting with Eora. Eora could die, because she was just meters away from that ringleader, while she got her minigun aimed at Eora.

Ringleader looked at STAR with disbelief, while STAR stabbed her M.I.N.D. module and destroyed her in that one blow.

Everyone was looking at STAR with disbelief. No one expected, that STAR would run out of cave with such high speed and kill ringleader in just one blow.

"No way..." G11 said quietly, while looking at her 

Even such sleepyhead would wake up, when she would see someone so fast, precise and strong.

"Kill'em all!" shout Mikel, that was rushing towards SF units with pistol and knife in hands


Mikel's order made everyone snap out of their disbelief and now everyone was storming Sangvis' dolls positions.

STAR threw her knife at nearest enemy, hitting it's head and killing it. Then she took that knife out from Jaeger's head and started close range combat with nearest enemies.

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