Special chapter IV (24.5) - Eora as Patricia

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25. October 2061 22:02, repair bay, G&K base at sector J13

"Mikel *sob* I was a human! I was a human girl!"

When Mikel heard that, he looked at Eora with disbelief.

"A-are you serious?" he asked rhetorically

He knew, that Eora don't plays around in situations like those. Still he wanted to make sure about what he heard.

"Yes. My name was Patricia. I saw that in vision. That vision, that I was talking you about didn't end last week. I thought, that it ended, because I didn't had it for 7 days, but looks like this upgrade let me see rest of it."

Then she bursted into tears again. Mikel embraced her and when she felt that, she tightened her hug. After about 3 minutes Mikel asked:

"Can you tell me what did you saw?"

Eora sobbed once and said:

"Ok. At last you are just like my father was."

She shuttered for a moment and after a while she started her story.

Eora's POV

"My father was soldier, but he got discharged from service after end of World War III. Mother was just normal person, that lived in Kisdorf, town near Hamburg. She was researcher at Sangvis Ferri, but she wasn't very high in their ranks. Sangvis Ferri was company, that helped lots of peoples back then, because after WW III there was big unemployment in that part of our country. 

Mother told me, that she fell in love in father in first sight. He was handsome, kind and nice. When she was speaking about him she was always smiling. When I was born in 2052, she named herself as most happy woman in this world. 

I remember, that she always taught me morality, good manners and computer wisdom, while father taught me how to survive on my own, how to use weapon and gave me reason to train my body. They tried to teach me as much, as they could, but they wanted me to choose my own way of living.

Their lessons were less prioritized, than my meeting with friends. I had 3 friends back then - Hans, that was one year younger, than me. He was such crybaby, that when we went to forest in order to find some wood for bonfire and we left him with Nina's mother, he was crying whole time.

Next one is Nina. She was oldest in our pack. She was two years older, than me. Her family was very strict, so she often ran away from her house in order to meet with us. She was very rebellious and confident. We always looked up to her - mature, overflowing with confidence, intelligent and strong.

Last one was kid of my neighbors - Alain. He was at same age as me, but he always was most mature out of us four. He was really inteligent, handsome and he was always a realist. He held us back, when we wanted to do something stupid."

I stopped talking for a moment and when Mikel realised that, he cleared his throat, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"S-sorry. I got lost in thoughts..."

"No problem. Can you continue?" he asked

"Yes. We were good family - I never had time, when I made my parents angry, so they were always kind for me, father didn't had any addictions and he always wanted to support our family and mother, even if she had to work long hours often played with me. 

When I was 6, they sent me to school. At that time weren't any schools, that were free and most of them were expensive, so it was luxury to be in one. In my class was about 10 other children and most of them were sons or daughters of some higher ups in militia, Sangvis Ferri or other companies. 

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